Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all

Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all
Renew Europe believes citizens need to be at the core of the European Union. But we need to do more to bring prosperity and opportunity to everyone, by completing and deepening the Single Market and the Economic Monetary Union and delivering jobs, growth, stability and an environment where our businesses, especially SMEs, can flourish alongside our employees.
Read our commitment to Europe’s SMEs.
Renew Europe will guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services and workers. We believe in equal opportunities, solidarity and cohesion. We will deliver on the portability of rights. We will improve competition policy and fight tax evasion and money laundering. We will ensure the implementation of the Services Directive.
We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens
We support the creation of a Digital Europe building strategic digital capabilities and establishing a Digital Services Act. We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens. Europe can be the frontrunner in new technologies to their benefit.
Read more about our proposals on:
La création d’une économie prospère et des perspectives pour tous

Renew Europe estime que les citoyens doivent être au cœur de l’Union européenne; nous devons aller plus loin pour apporter la prospérité et des perspectives à tous, en achevant et en approfondissant le marché unique et l’Union économique et monétaire
et en créant des emplois, de la croissance, de la stabilité et un environnement où les entreprises, en particulier les PME, peuvent prospérer, tout comme leurs salariés.
Cliquez ici pour découvrir notre engagement envers les petites et moyennes entreprises européennes.
Renew Europe garantira la libre circulation des biens, des capitaux, des services et des travailleurs, tout en relevant les principaux défis sociaux. Nous croyons à l’égalité des chances, à la solidarité et à la cohésion. Nous œuvrerons pour parvenir à la transférabilité des droits. Nous améliorerons la politique de concurrence et lutterons contre l’évasion fiscale et le blanchiment d’argent. Nous veillerons à l’application de la directive «services».
Nous mettrons à profit les possibilités offertes par la transformation numérique dans l’intérêt des citoyens européens.
Nous sommes favorables à la création d’une Europe numérique par la mise en place de capacités numériques stratégiques et d’une loi sur les services numériques. Nous mettrons à profit les possibilités offertes par la transformation numérique dans l’intérêt des citoyens européens. L’Europe peut être à l’avant-garde pour ce qui est des nouvelles technologies, dans l’intérêt des citoyens.
- Cliquez ici pour lire notre proposition sur la manière dont l’Union peut aider les citoyens à apprendre, ainsi qu’à développer et à adapter leurs compétences
- Cliquez ici pour lire les engagements de Renew Europe en faveur des droits des personnes handicapées
- Cliquez ici pour lire nos propositions sur l’intelligence artificielle
Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all

Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all
Renew Europe believes citizens need to be at the core of the European Union. But we need to do more to bring prosperity and opportunity to everyone, by completing and deepening the Single Market and the Economic Monetary Union and delivering jobs, growth, stability and an environment where our businesses, especially SMEs, can flourish alongside our employees.
Read our commitment to Europe’s SMEs

Renew Europe will guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services and workers. We believe in equal opportunities, solidarity and cohesion. We will deliver on the portability of rights. We will improve competition policy and fight tax evasion and money laundering. We will ensure the implementation of the Services Directive.
We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens
We support the creation of a Digital Europe building strategic digital capabilities and establishing a Digital Services Act. We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens. Europe can be the frontrunner in new technologies to their benefit.
Read more about our proposals on:
- Skills in the heart of Europe
- Renew Europe’s commitments to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities
- Artificial Intelligence
Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all

Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all
Renew Europe believes citizens need to be at the core of the European Union. But we need to do more to bring prosperity and opportunity to everyone, by completing and deepening the Single Market and the Economic Monetary Union and delivering jobs, growth, stability and an environment where our businesses, especially SMEs, can flourish alongside our employees.
Read our commitment to Europe’s SMEs

Renew Europe will guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services and workers. We believe in equal opportunities, solidarity and cohesion. We will deliver on the portability of rights. We will improve competition policy and fight tax evasion and money laundering. We will ensure the implementation of the Services Directive.
We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens
We support the creation of a Digital Europe building strategic digital capabilities and establishing a Digital Services Act. We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens. Europe can be the frontrunner in new technologies to their benefit.
Read more about our proposals on:
- Skills in the heart of Europe
- Renew Europe’s commitments to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities
- Artificial Intelligence
Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all

Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all
Renew Europe believes citizens need to be at the core of the European Union. But we need to do more to bring prosperity and opportunity to everyone, by completing and deepening the Single Market and the Economic Monetary Union and delivering jobs, growth, stability and an environment where our businesses, especially SMEs, can flourish alongside our employees.
Read our commitment to Europe’s SMEs

Renew Europe will guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services and workers. We believe in equal opportunities, solidarity and cohesion. We will deliver on the portability of rights. We will improve competition policy and fight tax evasion and money laundering. We will ensure the implementation of the Services Directive.
We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens
We support the creation of a Digital Europe building strategic digital capabilities and establishing a Digital Services Act. We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens. Europe can be the frontrunner in new technologies to their benefit.
Read more about our proposals on:
- Skills in the heart of Europe
- Renew Europe’s commitments to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities
- Artificial Intelligence
Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all

Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all
Renew Europe believes citizens need to be at the core of the European Union. But we need to do more to bring prosperity and opportunity to everyone, by completing and deepening the Single Market and the Economic Monetary Union and delivering jobs, growth, stability and an environment where our businesses, especially SMEs, can flourish alongside our employees.
Read our commitment to Europe’s SMEs

Renew Europe will guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services and workers. We believe in equal opportunities, solidarity and cohesion. We will deliver on the portability of rights. We will improve competition policy and fight tax evasion and money laundering. We will ensure the implementation of the Services Directive.
We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens
We support the creation of a Digital Europe building strategic digital capabilities and establishing a Digital Services Act. We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens. Europe can be the frontrunner in new technologies to their benefit.
Read more about our proposals on:
- Skills in the heart of Europe
- Renew Europe’s commitments to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities
- Artificial Intelligence
Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all

Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all
Renew Europe believes citizens need to be at the core of the European Union. But we need to do more to bring prosperity and opportunity to everyone, by completing and deepening the Single Market and the Economic Monetary Union and delivering jobs, growth, stability and an environment where our businesses, especially SMEs, can flourish alongside our employees.
Read our commitment to Europe’s SMEs

Renew Europe will guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services and workers. We believe in equal opportunities, solidarity and cohesion. We will deliver on the portability of rights. We will improve competition policy and fight tax evasion and money laundering. We will ensure the implementation of the Services Directive.
We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens
We support the creation of a Digital Europe building strategic digital capabilities and establishing a Digital Services Act. We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens. Europe can be the frontrunner in new technologies to their benefit.
Read more about our proposals on:
- Skills in the heart of Europe
- Renew Europe’s commitments to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities
- Artificial Intelligence
Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all

Creating a thriving economy and opportunities for all
Renew Europe believes citizens need to be at the core of the European Union. But we need to do more to bring prosperity and opportunity to everyone, by completing and deepening the Single Market and the Economic Monetary Union and delivering jobs, growth, stability and an environment where our businesses, especially SMEs, can flourish alongside our employees.
Read our commitment to Europe’s SMEs

Renew Europe will guarantee the free movement of goods, capital, services and workers. We believe in equal opportunities, solidarity and cohesion. We will deliver on the portability of rights. We will improve competition policy and fight tax evasion and money laundering. We will ensure the implementation of the Services Directive.
We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens
We support the creation of a Digital Europe building strategic digital capabilities and establishing a Digital Services Act. We will harness the power of the digital transformation in the interests of European citizens. Europe can be the frontrunner in new technologies to their benefit.
Read more about our proposals on:
- Skills in the heart of Europe
- Renew Europe’s commitments to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities
- Artificial Intelligence