Dernières actualités

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EU Ocean Pact PR banner

A Europeanm Ocean Pact

Type : Prises de position

A healthy ocean is as vital to a thriving economy as it is to life itself. As the primary climate stabiliser, the ocean is fundamental to sustain the standards of living that humanity has grown accustomed to, particularly in Europe. Yet, this key element has long been neglected in global climate…
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Clean industrial deal landscape

Key Demands for a clean Industrial Deal

Type : Prises de position

Renew Europe releases its position paper on the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal. This will be the…
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Rule of law


Type : Prises de position

Ahead of the upcoming hearings with the Commissioners-designate, Renew Europe has today published a…
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Our plan for European renewal | Ostend Declaration

Type : Prises de position

European liberals, democrats and centrists, meeting in Ostend, have this morning adopted a…
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Governance of the Internet landscape

GOVERNANCE OF THE INTERNET | Securing the openness of a global Internet

Type : Prises de position

Policy Paper

Our society is increasingly moving online and the European Union is no exception. From our…
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European Defence

Type : Prises de position

Position paper

Two years have passed since Russia re-launched its unprovoked, unjustified and illegal war of…
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PR Agri Action Plan

Plan d'Action de Renew Europe pour une Agriculture européenne durable, compétitive et équitablement rémunérée

Type : Prises de position

Les agriculteurs jouent un rôle irremplaçable dans notre société. Dans l'ensemble de l'Union…
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Competitive edge landscape

Regaining our competitive edge

Type : Prises de position

POLICY paper

Renew Europe’s ten-point plan for a competitive and prosperous European Union in a fragmenting…
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Vienna declaration PR landscape LK


Type : Prises de position

Le groupe parlementaire libéral, démocrate et centriste Renew Europe se réunit actuellement à…
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POPA euro

DIGITAL EURO | Position paper

Type : Prises de position

As the prospect of a digital euro is coming closer, many technical as well as political questions…
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Aucun résultat


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