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Reconstruction Talks Economic Recovery

Reconstruction Talks

Type : Événement

Forging the EU-Ukraine Future: A Defining Moment for Economic Recovery and Integration

Ukraine’s path to European Union accession has become a strategic priority for both Kyiv and Brussels, reinforcing the EU’s role as the primary driver of Ukraine’s economic recovery. The war has profoundly reshaped Ukraine’s economic landscape, making structural reforms, investment, and…
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Reconstruction Talks Critical Infrastructures

Reconstruction Talks

Type : Événement

Reconstruction of Ukraine's infrastructure

Join us for the first event from the Reconstruction Talks series - Reconstruction of Ukraine's…
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Renewpac Summit 2025 LANDSCAPE

RenewPAC Summit 2025: Partenaires pour le progrès

Type : Événement

Rejoignez-nous au Sommet RenewPAC 2025 : Partenaires pour le ProgrèsLe Sommet RenewPAC 2025, qui se…
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Syria What Next Landscape NEW

Syria - What next?

Type : Événement

The conference will take stock of the developing situation in Syria following the collapse of…
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Automotive SM Landscape

Supporting the European automotive sector to meet EU green transition goals in global competition

Type : Événement

This event will discuss the challenges facing European carmakers and how we can turn these…
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EDIP landscape

Making the European Defence Industry agile, coordinated and ready

Type : Événement

Renew Europe has consistently championed a robust European defence industry policy, aligning with…
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Hollywoodgate | Movie Screening

Type : Événement

Documentary film of 2023 about Afghanistan: At the risk of their lives, journalist Ibrahim Nash’at…
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Digital day landscape final

Renew Europe Digital Day

Type : Événement


Renew Europe's Digital Day is hosted by European Parliament's Vice President Dita Charanzová. This…
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Vulnerable marine systems landscape

Protecting vulnerable marine ecosystems in the EU: how to improve EU policy-making?

Type : Événement

EU Parliament Brussels | Altiero Spinelli 1E2

Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) are groups of species, communities or habitats that may be…
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Website Big Tech Monopoly AI landscape

Making Artificial Intelligence available to all

Type : Événement

How to avoid Big Tech's monopoly on AI?

MEP Yon Courtin is delighted to invite you to an event-discussion aiming at exploring what can be…
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