Investing in a sustainable future
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans

We will take responsibility for future generations, where some doubt the imperative to act and others spread fear, by preserving the environment, improving public health and building a sustainable economy.
We are fully committed to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and now it is time to deliver on them. We call for an ambitious EU climate law with effective instruments, based on technological neutrality that raises the targets for EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55 % by 2030 and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

For us, the ecological transition goes hand in hand with delivering economic prosperity and societal fairness. We will work for a transition that fosters innovation and provides opportunities for value creation and higher living standards in all corners of the Union in a way that is fair and just. We will strive for further free and fair trade agreements that secure jobs in Europe and export our standards and values. The EU we want is one that can deliver on its ambition to tackle the new challenges ahead. This is why we defend a modernised EU budget that invests in a brighter future for all. At the same time, we believe that EU financing should be conditional on the respect of the EU law.
We want greater coordination of health measures at European level. More concretely, we need to produce our own medicines and medical products and cut our dependence on third countries such as China or India. We are fighting for more solidarity at EU level, more resources to prevent diseases and promote health and more cooperation in research and innovation.
Read our proposals on:
L’investissement dans un avenir durable
Afin de construire un avenir durable, il faut d’abord que les Européens soient en bonne santé

À l’heure où certains mettent en doute l’impératif d’agir et d’autres agitent la peur, nous assumerons la responsabilité pour les générations futures en préservant l’environnement, en améliorant la santé publique et en construisant une économie durable.
Pleinement attachés aux ambitions de l’accord de Paris, nous estimons qu’il est temps à présent de les concrétiser. Nous plaidons en faveur d’une législation européenne ambitieuse en matière de climat, dotée d’instruments efficaces, fondée sur la neutralité technologique, afin d’atteindre les objectifs fixés à 55% pour les émissions de gaz à effet de serre d’ici à 2030 et un niveau zéro d’émissions nettes d’ici à 2050 au plus tard.

Pour nous, la transition écologique va de pair avec la prospérité économique et l’équité sociétale. Nous œuvrerons en faveur d’une transition qui favorise l’innovation et offre des possibilités de création de valeur et d’amélioration du niveau de vie dans l’ensemble de l’Union d’une manière équitable et juste. Nous chercherons à négocier d’autres accords commerciaux libres et équitables qui garantissent des emplois en Europe et nous permettent d’exporter nos normes et nos valeurs. Nous voulons une Union européenne qui soit en mesure de concrétiser son ambition de répondre aux enjeux de demain. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous défendons un budget européen modernisé qui investisse dans un avenir meilleur pour tous. Dans le même temps, nous estimons que l’octroi d’un financement devrait être subordonné au respect du droit de l’Union.
Plus concrètement, nous devons produire nos propres médicaments et produits médicaux et réduire notre dépendance à l’égard de pays tiers tels que la Chine ou l’Inde. Nous luttons pour une plus grande solidarité au niveau européen, pour davantage de ressources afin de prévenir les maladies et promouvoir la santé, et pour une coopération accrue en matière de recherche et d’innovation.
- Cliquez ici pour lire nos propositions sur la santé
- Cliquez ici pour lire notre proposition sur un mécanisme européen deréaction sanitaire
- Cliquez ici pour lire notre proposition sur le tourisme
- Cliquez ici pour lire notre proposition sur un programme stratégique pour un transport par voies navigables intérieures pérenne en Europe
Investing in a sustainable future

Investing in a sustainable and healthy future
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We will take responsibility for future generations, where some doubt the imperative to act and others spread fear, by preserving the environment, improving public health and building a sustainable economy.
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We are fully committed to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and now it is time to deliver on them. We call for an ambitious EU climate law with effective instruments, based on technological neutrality that raises the targets for EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55 % by 2030 and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

For us, the ecological transition goes hand in hand with delivering economic prosperity and societal fairness. We will work for a transition that fosters innovation and provides opportunities for value creation and higher living standards in all corners of the Union in a way that is fair and just. We will strive for further free and fair trade agreements that secure jobs in Europe and export our standards and values. The EU we want is one that can deliver on its ambition to tackle the new challenges ahead. This is why we defend a modernised EU budget that invests in a brighter future for all. At the same time, we believe that EU financing should be conditional on the respect of the EU law.
We want greater coordination of health measures at European level. More concretely, we need to produce our own medicines and medical products and cut our dependence on third countries such as China or India. We are fighting for more solidarity at EU level, more resources to prevent diseases and promote health and more cooperation in research and innovation.
Read our proposals on:
- Health
- European Health Response Mechanism
- Tourism
- A strategic agenda for future proof Inland Waterway transport in Europe
Investing in a sustainable future

Investing in a sustainable and healthy future
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We will take responsibility for future generations, where some doubt the imperative to act and others spread fear, by preserving the environment, improving public health and building a sustainable economy.
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We are fully committed to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and now it is time to deliver on them. We call for an ambitious EU climate law with effective instruments, based on technological neutrality that raises the targets for EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55 % by 2030 and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

For us, the ecological transition goes hand in hand with delivering economic prosperity and societal fairness. We will work for a transition that fosters innovation and provides opportunities for value creation and higher living standards in all corners of the Union in a way that is fair and just. We will strive for further free and fair trade agreements that secure jobs in Europe and export our standards and values. The EU we want is one that can deliver on its ambition to tackle the new challenges ahead. This is why we defend a modernised EU budget that invests in a brighter future for all. At the same time, we believe that EU financing should be conditional on the respect of the EU law.
We want greater coordination of health measures at European level. More concretely, we need to produce our own medicines and medical products and cut our dependence on third countries such as China or India. We are fighting for more solidarity at EU level, more resources to prevent diseases and promote health and more cooperation in research and innovation.
Read our proposals on:
- Health
- European Health Response Mechanism
- Tourism
- A strategic agenda for future proof Inland Waterway transport in Europe
Investing in a sustainable future

Investing in a sustainable and healthy future
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We will take responsibility for future generations, where some doubt the imperative to act and others spread fear, by preserving the environment, improving public health and building a sustainable economy.
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We are fully committed to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and now it is time to deliver on them. We call for an ambitious EU climate law with effective instruments, based on technological neutrality that raises the targets for EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55 % by 2030 and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

For us, the ecological transition goes hand in hand with delivering economic prosperity and societal fairness. We will work for a transition that fosters innovation and provides opportunities for value creation and higher living standards in all corners of the Union in a way that is fair and just. We will strive for further free and fair trade agreements that secure jobs in Europe and export our standards and values. The EU we want is one that can deliver on its ambition to tackle the new challenges ahead. This is why we defend a modernised EU budget that invests in a brighter future for all. At the same time, we believe that EU financing should be conditional on the respect of the EU law.
We want greater coordination of health measures at European level. More concretely, we need to produce our own medicines and medical products and cut our dependence on third countries such as China or India. We are fighting for more solidarity at EU level, more resources to prevent diseases and promote health and more cooperation in research and innovation.
Read our proposals on:
- Health
- European Health Response Mechanism
- Tourism
- A strategic agenda for future proof Inland Waterway transport in Europe
Investing in a sustainable future

Investing in a sustainable and healthy future
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We will take responsibility for future generations, where some doubt the imperative to act and others spread fear, by preserving the environment, improving public health and building a sustainable economy.
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We are fully committed to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and now it is time to deliver on them. We call for an ambitious EU climate law with effective instruments, based on technological neutrality that raises the targets for EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55 % by 2030 and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

For us, the ecological transition goes hand in hand with delivering economic prosperity and societal fairness. We will work for a transition that fosters innovation and provides opportunities for value creation and higher living standards in all corners of the Union in a way that is fair and just. We will strive for further free and fair trade agreements that secure jobs in Europe and export our standards and values. The EU we want is one that can deliver on its ambition to tackle the new challenges ahead. This is why we defend a modernised EU budget that invests in a brighter future for all. At the same time, we believe that EU financing should be conditional on the respect of the EU law.
We want greater coordination of health measures at European level. More concretely, we need to produce our own medicines and medical products and cut our dependence on third countries such as China or India. We are fighting for more solidarity at EU level, more resources to prevent diseases and promote health and more cooperation in research and innovation.
Read our proposals on:
- Health
- European Health Response Mechanism
- Tourism
- A strategic agenda for future proof Inland Waterway transport in Europe
Investing in a sustainable future

Investing in a sustainable and healthy future
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We will take responsibility for future generations, where some doubt the imperative to act and others spread fear, by preserving the environment, improving public health and building a sustainable economy.
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We are fully committed to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and now it is time to deliver on them. We call for an ambitious EU climate law with effective instruments, based on technological neutrality that raises the targets for EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55 % by 2030 and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

For us, the ecological transition goes hand in hand with delivering economic prosperity and societal fairness. We will work for a transition that fosters innovation and provides opportunities for value creation and higher living standards in all corners of the Union in a way that is fair and just. We will strive for further free and fair trade agreements that secure jobs in Europe and export our standards and values. The EU we want is one that can deliver on its ambition to tackle the new challenges ahead. This is why we defend a modernised EU budget that invests in a brighter future for all. At the same time, we believe that EU financing should be conditional on the respect of the EU law.
We want greater coordination of health measures at European level. More concretely, we need to produce our own medicines and medical products and cut our dependence on third countries such as China or India. We are fighting for more solidarity at EU level, more resources to prevent diseases and promote health and more cooperation in research and innovation.
Read our proposals on:
- Health
- European Health Response Mechanism
- Tourism
- A strategic agenda for future proof Inland Waterway transport in Europe
Investing in a sustainable future

Investing in a sustainable and healthy future
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We will take responsibility for future generations, where some doubt the imperative to act and others spread fear, by preserving the environment, improving public health and building a sustainable economy.
To build a sustainable future, we first need to have healthy Europeans.
We are fully committed to the ambitions of the Paris Agreement and now it is time to deliver on them. We call for an ambitious EU climate law with effective instruments, based on technological neutrality that raises the targets for EU greenhouse gas emissions to 55 % by 2030 and reaches net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest.

For us, the ecological transition goes hand in hand with delivering economic prosperity and societal fairness. We will work for a transition that fosters innovation and provides opportunities for value creation and higher living standards in all corners of the Union in a way that is fair and just. We will strive for further free and fair trade agreements that secure jobs in Europe and export our standards and values. The EU we want is one that can deliver on its ambition to tackle the new challenges ahead. This is why we defend a modernised EU budget that invests in a brighter future for all. At the same time, we believe that EU financing should be conditional on the respect of the EU law.
We want greater coordination of health measures at European level. More concretely, we need to produce our own medicines and medical products and cut our dependence on third countries such as China or India. We are fighting for more solidarity at EU level, more resources to prevent diseases and promote health and more cooperation in research and innovation.
Read our proposals on:
- Health
- European Health Response Mechanism
- Tourism
- A strategic agenda for future proof Inland Waterway transport in Europe