Promoting European Values
Our values are not for sale

In contrast to those who seek to roll back rights and divide our communities, expanding rights and freedoms will be at the heart of all our actions. We will protect and seek to further European liberal democratic values, the rule of law and fundamental rights. We will counter the destructive efforts of populists from all sides of the political spectrum and extreme nationalists. Renew Europe calls for an EU based rule of law monitoring mechanism.
We have a proposal to ensure that autocrats who ignore our values don’t get EU money, and that EU funds reach those who need it the most.
Read our Policy Paper on Smart Conditionality and Rule of Law and watch our campaign video by clicking in the image below.
We will fight intolerance and continue to promote equality and non-discrimination on all grounds, though our Simone Veil Pact and Equality Strategy, building a brighter future for young people.
Renew Europe is at the forefront of defending our common European values of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights.
Our common values are the driver of our responses, from the promotion of a new comprehensive “migration and asylum pact” to control migration flows, to the development of artificial intelligence that puts the citizen at the centre.
Read our proposal for an European Pact on Asylum and Migration.
We believe European citizens must be central to the debate, in particular through an ambitious Conference for the Future of Europe.
Read more about our proposals to defend EU values :
- From Europol towards a “European FBI”, boosting the Union's law enforcement competencies
- Position Paper on Countering Disinformation
- Action plan to combat violence against women during the COVID-19’ crisis and beyond
- Policy paper on the use of contact tracing applications as part of the fight against COVID-19
- 10 commitments to LGBTI rights
- Position paper on Artificial Intelligence
- Position Paper on Skills in the heart of Europe
- European Cultural Recovery
La promotion des valeurs européennes
Nos valeurs ne s’achètent pas

Contrairement à ceux qui cherchent à faire régresser les droits et à diviser nos communautés, nous placerons au centre de toutes nos actions le développement des droits et des libertés. Nous protégerons et nous nous attacherons à promouvoir les valeurs démocratiques libérales européennes, l’état de droit et les droits fondamentaux. Nous lutterons contre les efforts destructeurs des populistes de tous bords et des nationalistes extrémistes.
Renew Europe plaide en faveur d’un mécanisme européen de surveillance de l’état de droit.
Notre proposition est de faire en sorte que les autocrates qui ignorent nos valeurs ne reçoivent pas d’argent de l’Union européenne , et que les fonds européens parviennent à ceux qui en ont le plus besoin. Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici:
Lisez notre document de politique sur la Conditionnalité Intelligente et l'État de droit et regardez la vidéo de notre campagne en cliquant sur l'image ci-dessous.
Nous lutterons contre l’intolérance et continuerons à promouvoir l’égalité et la non- discrimination quel qu’en soit le motif, par l’intermédiaire de notre Pacte Simone Veil et de notre stratégie en matière d’égalité, en créant un avenir meilleur pour les jeunes.
Renew Europe est en première ligne pour défendre nos valeurs européennes communes que sont la démocratie, l’état de droit et les droits fondamentaux.
Nos valeurs communes sont la force des réponses que nous apportons, qu’il s’agisse de la promotion d’un nouveau pacte global «migration et asile» pour contrôler les flux migratoires ou du développement d’une intelligence artificielle centrée sur l’humain.
Lisez notre proposition de Pacte européen sur l'asile et les migrations.
Nous pensons que les citoyens européens doivent être au cœur du débat, en particulier par l’intermédiaire d’une conférence ambitieuse sur l’avenir de l’Europe.
Nos propositions pour défendre les valeurs de l’Union
- Faire d'Europol un «FBI Européen»: Renforcer les compétences de l'Union en matière d'application de la loi
- Document de prise de position sur la lutte contre la désinformation
- Plan d’action pour lutter contre la violence envers les femmes pendant la crise de la COVID-19 et au-delà – Document de prise de position
- Document de prise de position sur l’utilisation d’applications de traçage des contacts dans la lutte contre la COVID-19
- Dix engagements en faveur des droits des personnes LGBTI
- Document de prise de position sur l'Intelligence Artificielle
- Document de prise de position sur les compétences au cœur de l’Europe
- La relance culturelle en Europe
Promoting European Values
Our values are not for sale

Promoting European Values
In contrast to those who seek to roll back rights and divide our communities, expanding rights and freedoms will be at the heart of all our actions. We will protect and seek to further European liberal democratic values, the rule of law and fundamental rights. We will counter the destructive efforts of populists from all sides of the political spectrum and extreme nationalists. Renew Europe calls for an EU based rule of law monitoring mechanism.
We have a proposal to ensure that autocrats who ignore our values don’t get EU money, and that EU funds reach those who need it the most. Read it here.

We will fight intolerance and continue to promote equality and non-discrimination on all grounds, though our Simone Veil Pact and Equality Strategy, building a brighter future for young people.
Renew Europe is at the forefront of defending our common European values of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights.
Our common values are the driver of our responses, from the promotion of a new comprehensive “migration and asylum pact” to control migration flows, to the development of artificial intelligence that puts the citizen at the centre.
We believe European citizens must be central to the debate, in particular through an ambitious Conference for the Future of Europe.
Read more about our proposals to defend EU values :
- From Europol towards a “European FBI”, boosting the Union's law enforcement competencies
- Position Paper on Countering Disinformation
- Action plan to combat violence against women during the COVID-19’ crisis and beyond
- Policy paper on the use of contact tracing applications as part of the fight against COVID-19
- 10 commitments to LGBTI rights
- Position paper on Artificial Intelligence
- Position Paper on Skills in the heart of Europe
- European Cultural Recovery
Promoting European Values
Our values are not for sale

Promoting European Values
In contrast to those who seek to roll back rights and divide our communities, expanding rights and freedoms will be at the heart of all our actions. We will protect and seek to further European liberal democratic values, the rule of law and fundamental rights. We will counter the destructive efforts of populists from all sides of the political spectrum and extreme nationalists. Renew Europe calls for an EU based rule of law monitoring mechanism.
We have a proposal to ensure that autocrats who ignore our values don’t get EU money, and that EU funds reach those who need it the most. Read it here.

We will fight intolerance and continue to promote equality and non-discrimination on all grounds, though our Simone Veil Pact and Equality Strategy, building a brighter future for young people.
Renew Europe is at the forefront of defending our common European values of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights.
Our common values are the driver of our responses, from the promotion of a new comprehensive “migration and asylum pact” to control migration flows, to the development of artificial intelligence that puts the citizen at the centre.
We believe European citizens must be central to the debate, in particular through an ambitious Conference for the Future of Europe.
Read more about our proposals to defend EU values :
- From Europol towards a “European FBI”, boosting the Union's law enforcement competencies
- Position Paper on Countering Disinformation
- Action plan to combat violence against women during the COVID-19’ crisis and beyond
- Policy paper on the use of contact tracing applications as part of the fight against COVID-19
- 10 commitments to LGBTI rights
- Position paper on Artificial Intelligence
- Position Paper on Skills in the heart of Europe
- European Cultural Recovery
Promoting European Values
Our values are not for sale

Promoting European Values
In contrast to those who seek to roll back rights and divide our communities, expanding rights and freedoms will be at the heart of all our actions. We will protect and seek to further European liberal democratic values, the rule of law and fundamental rights. We will counter the destructive efforts of populists from all sides of the political spectrum and extreme nationalists. Renew Europe calls for an EU based rule of law monitoring mechanism.
We have a proposal to ensure that autocrats who ignore our values don’t get EU money, and that EU funds reach those who need it the most. Read it here.

We will fight intolerance and continue to promote equality and non-discrimination on all grounds, though our Simone Veil Pact and Equality Strategy, building a brighter future for young people.
Renew Europe is at the forefront of defending our common European values of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights.
Our common values are the driver of our responses, from the promotion of a new comprehensive “migration and asylum pact” to control migration flows, to the development of artificial intelligence that puts the citizen at the centre.
We believe European citizens must be central to the debate, in particular through an ambitious Conference for the Future of Europe.
Read more about our proposals to defend EU values :
- From Europol towards a “European FBI”, boosting the Union's law enforcement competencies
- Position Paper on Countering Disinformation
- Action plan to combat violence against women during the COVID-19’ crisis and beyond
- Policy paper on the use of contact tracing applications as part of the fight against COVID-19
- 10 commitments to LGBTI rights
- Position paper on Artificial Intelligence
- Position Paper on Skills in the heart of Europe
- European Cultural Recovery
Promoting European Values
Our values are not for sale

Promoting European Values
In contrast to those who seek to roll back rights and divide our communities, expanding rights and freedoms will be at the heart of all our actions. We will protect and seek to further European liberal democratic values, the rule of law and fundamental rights. We will counter the destructive efforts of populists from all sides of the political spectrum and extreme nationalists. Renew Europe calls for an EU based rule of law monitoring mechanism.
We have a proposal to ensure that autocrats who ignore our values don’t get EU money, and that EU funds reach those who need it the most. Read it here.

We will fight intolerance and continue to promote equality and non-discrimination on all grounds, though our Simone Veil Pact and Equality Strategy, building a brighter future for young people.
Renew Europe is at the forefront of defending our common European values of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights.
Our common values are the driver of our responses, from the promotion of a new comprehensive “migration and asylum pact” to control migration flows, to the development of artificial intelligence that puts the citizen at the centre.
We believe European citizens must be central to the debate, in particular through an ambitious Conference for the Future of Europe.
Read more about our proposals to defend EU values :
- From Europol towards a “European FBI”, boosting the Union's law enforcement competencies
- Position Paper on Countering Disinformation
- Action plan to combat violence against women during the COVID-19’ crisis and beyond
- Policy paper on the use of contact tracing applications as part of the fight against COVID-19
- 10 commitments to LGBTI rights
- Position paper on Artificial Intelligence
- Position Paper on Skills in the heart of Europe
- European Cultural Recovery
Promoting European Values
Our values are not for sale

Promoting European Values
In contrast to those who seek to roll back rights and divide our communities, expanding rights and freedoms will be at the heart of all our actions. We will protect and seek to further European liberal democratic values, the rule of law and fundamental rights. We will counter the destructive efforts of populists from all sides of the political spectrum and extreme nationalists. Renew Europe calls for an EU based rule of law monitoring mechanism.
We have a proposal to ensure that autocrats who ignore our values don’t get EU money, and that EU funds reach those who need it the most. Read it here.

We will fight intolerance and continue to promote equality and non-discrimination on all grounds, though our Simone Veil Pact and Equality Strategy, building a brighter future for young people.
Renew Europe is at the forefront of defending our common European values of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights.
Our common values are the driver of our responses, from the promotion of a new comprehensive “migration and asylum pact” to control migration flows, to the development of artificial intelligence that puts the citizen at the centre.
We believe European citizens must be central to the debate, in particular through an ambitious Conference for the Future of Europe.
Read more about our proposals to defend EU values :
- From Europol towards a “European FBI”, boosting the Union's law enforcement competencies
- Position Paper on Countering Disinformation
- Action plan to combat violence against women during the COVID-19’ crisis and beyond
- Policy paper on the use of contact tracing applications as part of the fight against COVID-19
- 10 commitments to LGBTI rights
- Position paper on Artificial Intelligence
- Position Paper on Skills in the heart of Europe
- European Cultural Recovery
Promoting European Values
Our values are not for sale

Promoting European Values
In contrast to those who seek to roll back rights and divide our communities, expanding rights and freedoms will be at the heart of all our actions. We will protect and seek to further European liberal democratic values, the rule of law and fundamental rights. We will counter the destructive efforts of populists from all sides of the political spectrum and extreme nationalists. Renew Europe calls for an EU based rule of law monitoring mechanism.
We have a proposal to ensure that autocrats who ignore our values don’t get EU money, and that EU funds reach those who need it the most. Read it here.

We will fight intolerance and continue to promote equality and non-discrimination on all grounds, though our Simone Veil Pact and Equality Strategy, building a brighter future for young people.
Renew Europe is at the forefront of defending our common European values of democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights.
Our common values are the driver of our responses, from the promotion of a new comprehensive “migration and asylum pact” to control migration flows, to the development of artificial intelligence that puts the citizen at the centre.
We believe European citizens must be central to the debate, in particular through an ambitious Conference for the Future of Europe.
Read more about our proposals to defend EU values :
- From Europol towards a “European FBI”, boosting the Union's law enforcement competencies
- Position Paper on Countering Disinformation
- Action plan to combat violence against women during the COVID-19’ crisis and beyond
- Policy paper on the use of contact tracing applications as part of the fight against COVID-19
- 10 commitments to LGBTI rights
- Position paper on Artificial Intelligence
- Position Paper on Skills in the heart of Europe
- European Cultural Recovery