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The production and sourcing of proteins for the agri-food sector has repeatedly stimulated political debate at EU level. The COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine has made the need to move towards a greater European food production less dependent from few third country actors a top priority, especially in the area of plant proteins. This need has been heavily reflected by both the European Council; Versailles declaration of the Heads of State and Government of 10-11 March 2022, and the Commission; short-term and medium-term actions to enhance food security of 23 March 2022. The seminar intends to bring together Among others, the seminar will focus on:
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10.30 - 10.50 Opening session
Welcome & introductory remarks
- Emma WIESNER, Renew Europe MEP in AGRI and ENVI committees.
- Pierre BASCOU, Director General for Markets. DG AGRI, European Commission.
10.50 - 11.20 Panel I - Sources of plant and insect protein
- Göran BERNDES, Professor at Chalmers University of Technology.
- Protein extraction from grasslands. (online)
- Sandrine LAURET, Policy Manager at European Alliance for Plant-based Foods (EAPF).
From examples to reality: how European farmers and food processors can benefit from an EU Protein Strategy.
11.20-11.30 Questions from the audience
11.30-12.00 Panel II - Sources of aquatic protein and alternative feed for its production
- Christophe DERRIEN, Secretary General at International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF).
- Alternative feeds: insects
- Carlos BALD, Principal Researcher at AZTI Research Institute.
Aquatic protein and its role in a sustainable food system
12.00 - 12.20 Debate and questions from the audience
12.20 -12.30 Closing session and conclusions
- Ulrike MÜLLER, Renew Europe MEP, AGRI coordinator
- Izaskun BILBAO, Renew Europe MEP, PECH coordinator
- Emma WIESNER, Renew Europe MEP in AGRI and ENVI committees