inancing transition | How can farmers achieve climate neutrality?
European Parliament, room JAN 4Q1 | Interpretation EN-FR-DE

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Financing transition - how can farmers achieve climate neutrality?
Following up in the series of seminars that will set forward the liberal vision on the future of agriculture, next topic that Renew Europe will tackle is the financial aspect of the transition to more sustainable agriculture and food system.
The EU agriculture and food system is a frontrunner in climate change adaptation and mitigation and the EU sets its ambition very high to become an example to other countries. The farmers are the key to achieving climate neutrality however they need to have a financial backing from private and public sources that would allow them to fully implement their visions and innovations.
RENEW EUROPE MEPs Ulrike Müller, Martin Hlaváček, and Jérémy Decerle, together with our invited experts in the field of agriculture finances, will thoroughly investigate different financing mechanisms in our seminar, and we invite you to join us.
Opening session
15.30 Welcome & introductory remarks
15.35-16.35 Expert presentations - 15 min each
- Mr Steffen Aumüller, Finomics: Cash for Carbon - humusCO2mp and how to provide smart funding to carbon farming initiatives
- Mr Jacques and. Volland, BayWa
- Introduction by Ulrike Müller
- Ms Emma van de Ven, Rabobank: Climate equity finance
- Introduction by Martin Hlaváček
- Ms Jeanette Coombs-Lanot, DANONE
- Introduction by Jérémy Decerle
16.35 - 17.15 Debate and questions from the floor
17:15 - 17.30 Closing session and conclusions
17:30 - 18:00 Refreshments and discussion in the room