Renew Europe Hearing: "Iran: What future for ethnic groups?"

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Thursday, 12 December 2019, 10:00-12:00h
Brussels, European Parliament, Room JAN 4Q1

The Iranian government, with the economic sanctions imposed by the US, is getting ever more radical and continues to systematically oppress any legitimate demand of minorities for democracy and their fundamental rights.
Faced with the rise of radicalism and ethnic and religious tensions and the violence of the war in the Middle East, particularly in northern Syria, when the Kurdish question is at the centre of attention everywhere, what is really happening in Iran and what future is in store for minorities?
In spite of "reformist" President Hassan Rouhani's promises, the situation of minorities has dramatically deteriorated. According to the UN, under the presidency of Hasan Rouhani, 3600 prisoners have been executed, 97% of those in secret, surpassing by 35% those under his predecessor Mahmoud Ahmedinejad. Furthermore, 824 political prisoners of those 1100 registered in 2018, i.e. 75% of those sentenced to death for the crime of "mohareb" (hostility to God) belong to the Kurdish community.
Interpretation foreseen in English, French and Farsi.
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12 December 2019, 10:00-12:00
European Parliament, Brussels, Room JAN4Q1
(To download the programme please click here)
10:00 - 10.15 Opening by Frédérique RIES MEP and Taimoor ALIASSI, President of Kurdistan Human Rights-Geneva (KMMK-G)
Moderated by Joelle FISS, Human Rights Analyst & Substitute member of the Geneva Parliament
10.15 - 11.15 Speakers :
Shirin EBADI
Nobel Peace Laureate

Mustafa HIJRI
SG PDKI, Co-founder of the Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran

Director of ECPM ("Together against the death penalty")

President of the Balochistan People Party

Youssef KOR
Speaker of the Cultural and Political Organization Turkmensahra-Iran

Secretary General of the Democratic Solidarity Party of Al-Ahwaz

Speaker of the United Democratic of Azerbaijan-Birlik

11.15 - 11.50 Questions & Answers
11.50 - 12.00 Closing remarks (MEP)
Interpretation provided in EN - FR - Farsi

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