Nos actions pour les jeunes
Engagements pour l’Année européenne de la jeunesse 2022
During her 2021 State of the Union speech, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen recognized and emphasized the impact of the pandemic on young people and their living conditions. As a response, President von der Leyen proposed to make 2022 the “European Year of Youth”. In December 2021, the European Parliament voted in favour of the corresponding legislative framework. Now, we, the Renew Europe MEPs, will pledge to make this year an ambitious year with concrete goals, to give back the opportunities that our youth has lost over the last 24 months.

La jeunesse à l’honneur: éviter une génération perdue
La pandémie a privé les jeunes de précieuses occasions d’étudier, de se former et de trouver un emploi. Les confinements et les limitations des contacts humains ont eu des répercussions sur leur santé mentale et leur mode de vie. L’Année européenne de la jeunesse 2022 est l’occasion d’apporter des solutions concrètes à certains de ces problèmes.
Nous, membres du groupe Renew Europe, en tant que pro-européens convaincus, avons promis de donner aux citoyens plus de poids dans les décisions concernant l’avenir de l’Union européenne. Le moment est venu de mettre la jeunesse à l’honneur.
- Nous, député(e)s européen(ne)s du groupe Renew, nous engageons à reconnaître les sacrifices consentis par les jeunes ces deux dernières années, qui ont vu toute une génération faire preuve de solidarité pour protéger les personnes âgées ou vulnérables.
- Nous, député(e)s européen(ne)s du groupe Renew, nous engageons à favoriser davantage l’inclusion et l’égalité pour tous les jeunes.
- Nous, député(e)s européen(ne)s du groupe Renew, nous engageons à donner à tous les jeunes européens une chance de faire éclore leur talent, qu’ils aient ou non des diplômes.
- Nous, député(e)s européen(ne)s du groupe Renew Europe, nous engageons à tenir pleinement compte des questions liées aux jeunes dans nos travaux en commission.
- Nous, député(e)s européen(ne)s du groupe Renew Europe, nous engageons à faire participer les jeunes à la prise de décisions, en procédant à des consultations et des analyses d’impact utiles à cette fin.
- Nous, député(e)s européen(ne)s du groupe Renew Europe, nous engageons à dialoguer avec des jeunes issus de tous les milieux, en allant à leur rencontre et en nous appuyant sur des outils modernes tels que les réseaux sociaux – ne nous contentons pas de parler DES jeunes, parlons AVEC eux là où ils sont.
#RenewEurope marks the #YearofYouth by opening the doors of the @Europarl_EN 💪
— Renew Europe (@RenewEurope) July 11, 2022
Today, we welcome 140 young people from all over Europe 🇪🇺
We reaffirm our commitment to listen, strengthen the voice and involve the youth as key actors in the decision-making process #Renew4Youth

Giving new opportunities for Skills and Fostering Mobility
Young people need the adequate financial support for gaining access and opportunities to skills fit for the XXI century: digital education, soft skills, languages, as well as acquisition of critical thinking and media literacy.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to support investments in youth across all policy areas, starting with the RRF and national recovery plans.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to propose and support European Parliament’s pilot projects that address young people’s needs and that ensures intergenerational justice.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to accelerate policies towards young people fostering language skills and IT skills.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to promote media literacy and fact checking on social media, where young people look for information the most.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to commit to improve and promote mobility opportunities for youth from all backgrounds, to give them the chance to enhance their skills and their employability.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to develop and promote the mobility opportunities of the new Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps programmes, as set out in the new inclusion chapter, to all young people in our constituencies. We commit to improve and foster long term mobility of VET-students, the mobility for NEETs, young people from rural areas and from the outermost regions.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to be unrelenting in our role to enhance the new ALMA Programme (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) announced by the Commission, in order to give all young people mobility opportunities, and to help them find temporary jobs and internships in Member States other than their own.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to encourage Member States to develop special initiatives enabling and simplifying access to culture and mobility for Europe’s youth. We will seek out innovative solutions to make travelling by train across Europe more affordable for them.

Labour Market Integration of Young People
40% of employers cannot find people with the right skills to fill their vacancies[1], at the same time too many young people cannot find a job; this is particularly worrying with regard to the high level of youth unemployment in several European member states.[2]
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to address the critical situation of youth integration into the labour market. We aim to facilitate coordination between youth and the private sector while boosting integrated support for training, up-skilling, access to jobs and traineeships, and counselling for young people.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to give every young European a solution, through the Youth Guarantee and the EU programmes.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to support and propose actions that facilitate the labour market integration of young people, such as by mutual recognition of vocational and academic degrees or by removing barriers and supporting a single European Job Market.
[1] Source:
[2] Source:

Tackling mental health issues
Almost 2 out of 3 young people are affected by anxiety or depression as a result of the pandemic, with pre-existing inequalities causing marginalised youth to be disproportionately impacted.
We, Renew Europe MEPs, pledge to address the critical situation of mental health of young people by strengthening EU4Health and by developing parliamentary initiatives on this matter.

Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay!
— Renew Europe (@RenewEurope) October 10, 2022
Young Europeans increasingly suffer from #mentalhealth issues but EU data to map the problem do not exist. We can't solve a problem without understanding its causes!
This is why we launch our Youth Mental Health Survey today.
Take part! 👇

On 29th and 30th November 2022, 50 young representatives of liberal Youth organisations were invited to the European Parliament in Brussels to enhance their skillset and gain practical experience on how to engage, advocate and communicate with politicians, institutions and interest groups to influence EU decision-making. By working with political and communication experts on a case study, the participants developed a tangible set of competencies that they can use in the real world when advocating for issues that truly matter to the young generation. It was an excellent opportunity for our participants to enhance their ability to act as a Youth Leader in their community, and ultimately, have impact on political decisions. They will contribute to shape the Europe of Tomorrow!