A stronger Europe in a changing world

For us, the European Union's foreign policy and external relations must be based on the values upon which the EU is founded. Renew Europe believes that in a changing world order, we are stronger together and weaker apart. We must uphold our interests and principles and remain committed to multilateralism, international and human rights law and sustainable development.
We are stronger together and weaker apart
We want to strengthen the role of the High Representative/Vice President to ensure that the EU can act as a united, more influential global actor. A reinforced CFSP should include traditional EU 'soft power' but also strengthened security, trade and defense policies and instruments. We need to move towards a genuine European Defense Union in close cooperation with NATO. We support new strategies with regard to the EU neighborhood and Africa that effectively deal with economic development and security.

Read our proposals on:
- Perspectives in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood
- Priorities for the EU Eastern Neighbourhood policy
- A new approach for the EU Membership, perspective for the countries in Western Balkans
- Gender and Trade
Une Europe plus forte dans un monde en mutation

Pour nous, la politique étrangère et les relations extérieures de l’Unioneuropéenne doivent reposer sur les valeurs fondatrices de l’Unioneuropéenne. Renew Europe est convaincu que dans un ordre mondialen mutation, nous sommes plus forts ensemble et plus faibles lorsquenous restons chacun de notre côté. Nous devons défendre nosintérêts et nos principes et rester attachés au multilatéralisme, au droitinternational, aux droits de l’homme et au développement durable.
Nous sommes plus forts ensemble et plus faibles lorsquenous restons chacun de notre côté
Nous voulons renforcer le rôle du haut représentant/vice-président pour faire en sorte que l’Union puisse agir sur la scène internationale en ayant plus d’influence et en se montrant unie. Une PESC renforcée devrait englober le «pouvoir d’influence» traditionnel de l’Union, mais aussi des politiques et des instruments renforcés en matière de sécurité, de commerce et de défense. Nous devons aller vers une véritable Union européenne de la défense, en étroite coopération avec l’OTAN. En ce qui concerne le voisinage de l’Union et l’Afrique, nous sommes favorables à de nouvelles stratégies efficaces en matière de développement économique et de sécurité.

Read our proposals on:
- Les perspectives du voisinage méridional de l’Europe
- Les perspectives d’adhésion à l’Union européenne des pays des Balkans occidentaux
- L’égalité hommes-femmes et le commerce
A stronger Europe in a changing world

A stronger Europe in a changing world
For us, the European Union's foreign policy and external relations must be based on the values upon which the EU is founded. Renew Europe believes that in a changing world order, we are stronger together and weaker apart. We must uphold our interests and principles and remain committed to multilateralism, international and human rights law and sustainable development.
We are stronger together and weaker apart
We want to strengthen the role of the High Representative/Vice President to ensure that the EU can act as a united, more influential global actor. A reinforced CFSP should include traditional EU 'soft power' but also strengthened security, trade and defense policies and instruments. We need to move towards a genuine European Defense Union in close cooperation with NATO. We support new strategies with regard to the EU neighborhood and Africa that effectively deal with economic development and security.

Read our proposals on:
- Perspectives in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood
- Priorities for the EU Eastern Neighbourhood policy
- A new approach for the EU Membership, perspective for the countries in Western Balkans
- Gender and Trade
A stronger Europe in a changing world

A stronger Europe in a changing world
For us, the European Union's foreign policy and external relations must be based on the values upon which the EU is founded. Renew Europe believes that in a changing world order, we are stronger together and weaker apart. We must uphold our interests and principles and remain committed to multilateralism, international and human rights law and sustainable development.
We are stronger together and weaker apart
We want to strengthen the role of the High Representative/Vice President to ensure that the EU can act as a united, more influential global actor. A reinforced CFSP should include traditional EU 'soft power' but also strengthened security, trade and defense policies and instruments. We need to move towards a genuine European Defense Union in close cooperation with NATO. We support new strategies with regard to the EU neighborhood and Africa that effectively deal with economic development and security.

Read our proposals on:
- Perspectives in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood
- Priorities for the EU Eastern Neighbourhood policy
- A new approach for the EU Membership, perspective for the countries in Western Balkans
- Gender and Trade
A stronger Europe in a changing world

A stronger Europe in a changing world
For us, the European Union's foreign policy and external relations must be based on the values upon which the EU is founded. Renew Europe believes that in a changing world order, we are stronger together and weaker apart. We must uphold our interests and principles and remain committed to multilateralism, international and human rights law and sustainable development.
We are stronger together and weaker apart
We want to strengthen the role of the High Representative/Vice President to ensure that the EU can act as a united, more influential global actor. A reinforced CFSP should include traditional EU 'soft power' but also strengthened security, trade and defense policies and instruments. We need to move towards a genuine European Defense Union in close cooperation with NATO. We support new strategies with regard to the EU neighborhood and Africa that effectively deal with economic development and security.

Read our proposals on:
- Perspectives in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood
- Priorities for the EU Eastern Neighbourhood policy
- A new approach for the EU Membership, perspective for the countries in Western Balkans
- Gender and Trade
A stronger Europe in a changing world

A stronger Europe in a changing world
For us, the European Union's foreign policy and external relations must be based on the values upon which the EU is founded. Renew Europe believes that in a changing world order, we are stronger together and weaker apart. We must uphold our interests and principles and remain committed to multilateralism, international and human rights law and sustainable development.
We are stronger together and weaker apart
We want to strengthen the role of the High Representative/Vice President to ensure that the EU can act as a united, more influential global actor. A reinforced CFSP should include traditional EU 'soft power' but also strengthened security, trade and defense policies and instruments. We need to move towards a genuine European Defense Union in close cooperation with NATO. We support new strategies with regard to the EU neighborhood and Africa that effectively deal with economic development and security.

Read our proposals on:
- Perspectives in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood
- Priorities for the EU Eastern Neighbourhood policy
- A new approach for the EU Membership, perspective for the countries in Western Balkans
- Gender and Trade
A stronger Europe in a changing world

A stronger Europe in a changing world
For us, the European Union's foreign policy and external relations must be based on the values upon which the EU is founded. Renew Europe believes that in a changing world order, we are stronger together and weaker apart. We must uphold our interests and principles and remain committed to multilateralism, international and human rights law and sustainable development.
We are stronger together and weaker apart
We want to strengthen the role of the High Representative/Vice President to ensure that the EU can act as a united, more influential global actor. A reinforced CFSP should include traditional EU 'soft power' but also strengthened security, trade and defense policies and instruments. We need to move towards a genuine European Defense Union in close cooperation with NATO. We support new strategies with regard to the EU neighborhood and Africa that effectively deal with economic development and security.

Read our proposals on:
- Perspectives in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood
- Priorities for the EU Eastern Neighbourhood policy
- A new approach for the EU Membership, perspective for the countries in Western Balkans
- Gender and Trade
A stronger Europe in a changing world

A stronger Europe in a changing world
For us, the European Union's foreign policy and external relations must be based on the values upon which the EU is founded. Renew Europe believes that in a changing world order, we are stronger together and weaker apart. We must uphold our interests and principles and remain committed to multilateralism, international and human rights law and sustainable development.
We are stronger together and weaker apart
We want to strengthen the role of the High Representative/Vice President to ensure that the EU can act as a united, more influential global actor. A reinforced CFSP should include traditional EU 'soft power' but also strengthened security, trade and defense policies and instruments. We need to move towards a genuine European Defense Union in close cooperation with NATO. We support new strategies with regard to the EU neighborhood and Africa that effectively deal with economic development and security.

Read our proposals on:
- Perspectives in Europe's Southern Neighbourhood
- Priorities for the EU Eastern Neighbourhood policy
- A new approach for the EU Membership, perspective for the countries in Western Balkans
- Gender and Trade