Position Paper on Health



200929 POPA Health visual 4 web

The COVID-19 crisis has revealed the fragility of the European Union in terms of public health. Its limited competences and its perilous pharmaceutical dependence on third countries such as China and India have hampered there activity of its responses. This crisis has exposed several weaknesses in terms of coordination of epidemiological data collection and reporting.

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Document de position sur la santé



200929 POPA Health visual 4 web

La crise de la COVID-19 a révélé la fragilité de l’Union européenneen matière de santé publique.Les compétences limitées de l’Union dans le domainepharmaceutique et sa dépendance dangereuse à l’égard de pays tierstels que la Chine et l’Inde l’ont empêchée de réagir rapidement. Cettecrise a révélé plusieurs faiblesses dans la coordination de la collecteet de la transmission des données épidémiologiques.

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Position Paper on Health


200929 POPA Health visual 4 web

The COVID-19crisishas revealed the fragility of the EuropeanUnion in terms of public health.Its limited competences and its perilous pharmaceutical dependenceonthird countriessuch as China and Indiahave hampered thereactivity of its responses. This crisis has exposed severalweaknesses in terms of coordinationof epidemiological data collectionand reporting.

Please click here to download the full document

Position Paper on Health


200929 POPA Health visual 4 web

The COVID-19crisishas revealed the fragility of the EuropeanUnion in terms of public health.Its limited competences and its perilous pharmaceutical dependenceonthird countriessuch as China and Indiahave hampered thereactivity of its responses. This crisis has exposed severalweaknesses in terms of coordinationof epidemiological data collectionand reporting.

Please click here to download the full document

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