Renew Europe releases its position paper on the upcoming Clean Industrial Deal. This will be the European Commission’s first big legislative initiative, aimed at putting Europe’s industry on a carbon-free and competitive footing.
Pascal Canfin (Renaissance, France), our coordinator on environmental matters said: "The Clean Industrial Deal musn’t be a collection of small technical measures but an opportunity to assert Europe's power. Trump’s America is going back on the green transition, this is the perfect time for the EU to go ‘all in’. There are market shares to be taken in the green economy."
Christophe Grudler (MoDem, France), our coordinator in the industry and research committee, said: "Our paper maps all the areas the Commission should touch upon in its proposal if it’s serious about having an industrial policy: energy provision, grids, pricing, uptake of green technologies, power purchase agreements, relocation of value chains, major reform of public procurements, taxation, financing. We make serious proposals to tackle the serious issues our industries are facing."
Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy (D66, The Netherlands), our group vice-president, sees the Clean industrial Deal as the first major test for the Parliament’s legislative majority: "The center-right has shown a lot of appetite for working with the far-right, but this is not durable if you actually want to make things happen. Europe needs to unite in the face of big global challenges, but the far-right in Parliament is more keen on dividing. Ursula von der Leyen has a choice between a right-wing majority of nay-sayers or a center majority of deal-makers." He took aim at the center-right’s rhetoric on simplifying legislation : "The simplification debate must not turn simplistic."
The full paper can be found here. |