Reports of fraud in Georgia: the Georgian people deserve fair and transparent elections

Author: Catherine Laurence Martens-Preiss

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament stands with the Georgian people who want a democratic, European future and free, fair elections.
With reports of fraud, intimidation, vote-buying, & foreign interference, Georgia’s 2024 elections raise grave concerns.
The visit to Tbilisi by Viktor Orbán to endorse a corrupted election must be condemned by fellow European leaders.
Valérie Hayer, President of Renew Europe, said:
"The people of Georgia deserve fair and transparent elections. We condemn the interference of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who does not speak for the EU. We stand with the Georgian people, the President of Georgia and civil society organisations, who hope for a brighter, European future."
Nathalie Loiseau MEP, member of the European Parliament's election observation delegation, who has just returned from Georgia, said:
"It was clear to me that intimidation was everywhere, the party in power used the power of the state resources for its own advantage and that we witnessed fraud and violence. We stand with the Georgian people who deserve pluralism, reliable elections and a fully functioning democracy."