Mr Draghi’s report is a wake-up call for Europe

Author: Catherine Laurence Martens-Preiss



Signal 2024 09 09 120123 002

Renew Europe welcomes the launch of Mr Draghi’s report on European competitiveness today, calling it a wake-up for Europe. We therefore welcome that several of Renew Europe’s calls to action are included. To name a few, innovation, speeding up digitalization, decarbonisation as the source of growth, bold defence and reduce barriers for the single market.

Commenting after the launch of Mr Draghi’s report, President of Renew Europe, Valérie Hayer, said:

"Our businesses are crying out for a more competitive environment, investment in infrastructure and a stronger focus on strategic autonomy. Our single market needs to be deepened and strengthened into a complete capital market. We need to kick-start European competitiveness and there is no time to lose."

At the same time, Renew Europe warns that the big reforms needed to deliver a stronger economy and more opportunities for citizen's will only come if the political extremists who want to block European progress are overcome. The needed new economic model for Europe can only be delivered from the political centre.

President of Renew Europe, Valérie Hayer, said further:

"This report is a wake-up call for all Europe. Our continent is at a crossroads: further European integration, investment and simplification to build a new economy, or the risk of stagnation. We expect this report and the report of Mr Letta to shape the incoming European Commission and its priorities. Political polarisation and the politics of extremism must not be allowed to put the brakes on the reforms that are needed to secure prosperity and opportunity for everyone in Europe. Renew Europe will be a strong, progressive parliamentary partner for an ambitious new European Commission. A new economic model for Europe can only be delivered from the political centre."


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