Priorities: for a more competitive, secure and free European Union

Author: Clara De Melo Ponce



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Renew Europe discussed in a first exchange the cornerstones of its policy priorities. This marks the beginning of an ongoing process of our political compass in the new mandate.

Following European elections, where the insecurities of European citizens were evident, Renew Europe intends to be the flag bearers for liberals and centrists across Europe.

We will advance an ambitious political programme, based on the protection of fundamental democratic rights and values, reform to promote sustainable growth and increased competitiveness, to secure a better life for all EU citizens, and the forging of a new European Defence Union to address security challenges.

We reject any deal for the next European Commission President involving extremist or populist politicians, and call for the implementation of the migration and asylum pact and green deal that we shaped. Our goals are only deliverable if the next Commission President embraces a new spirit of institutional reform, including the unfulfilled promise of the right of legislative initiative for the European Parliament, accountability, respect for parliamentary work and parliamentary scrutiny.

The next Commission must live up to its own values in pursuing more strictly sanctions against rule of law violations. The Commission must become a ‘prosperity machine’ and adopt an entrepreneurial ethos, including a new European Commissioner for Growth. We will continue supporting Ukraine until the full restoration and control of its internationally recognised borders. We will campaign for a fully-fledged Security and Defence Committee in the European Parliament. A bold new Defence Union to secure the Union and its citizens must be constructed urgently.

Commenting on Renew Europe’s priorities, President Valérie Hayer said:

"The European elections showed that European citizens feel great insecurity about the fast changing world around us: Renew Europe is determined to heed their concerns by demanding a stronger and more effective European Union. We want a bold European Commission that defends European values and does not tolerate Rule of Law backsliding, a Europe that listens and adapts to new realities. Europe must take its destiny into its own hands. We will not work with populists, political extremists or those who undermine the European Union we have built together. A stronger Europe can only be built from the political centre, which we embody."

At a time when European security is under grave threat, with the spectre of a return of Donald Trump to the US Presidency, Renew Europe demands a real European Defence Union, reforms and investment so that Europe can make decisions more autonomously and effectively.

Reflecting on Europe’s security and defence needs, Valérie Hayer said:

"Unity and resolve are our best defence against evolving security threats. We must hold hands and take a real leap forward on collective defence and the investment that this requires, together. Learning lessons from our recent history means accepting that European security and geopolitical influence cannot be secured with 27 vetoes or an over - reliance on unreliable third countries. We demand a European Commission that moves quickly to address current and future threats and is unafraid of listening to the European Parliament and proposing bold solutions."

Closing the competitiveness gap with China and the US and delivering sustainable growth is critical. This requires a new approach based on strict implementation of single market rules, the deepening of the single market, capital markets reform and a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Valérie Hayer commented:

"Europe’s competitiveness gap must be urgently addressed. We want a Europe where entrepreneurs and small businesses feel at home. This will require better enforcement of laws, less red-tape for businesses, strategic investment and improved access to capital.
The next European Commission must become a prosperity machine. The modernisation of the European economy goes hand in hand with the ecological transition. Questioning the great progress we have made on the Green Deal is a recipe for economic and business uncertainty."


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