Frankfurt, AMLA´s future headquarters

Author: Alberto Cuena Vilches

Renew Europe welcomes the inter-institutional agreement reached on the future location of the new Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-terrorism financing Authority (AMLA), which concludes that Frankfurt is the seat, following the joint Parliament-Council vote that took place today. This represents a historic process of paramount importance, as it is the first time that the Council and the Parliament decide jointly on an equal footing on the location of a European agency, after the Judgment by the EU´s Court of Justice of 14 July 2022.
Renew Europe, which has been co-rapporteur on the regulation establishing AMLA's competences and powers, has ensured a flawless and transparent selection process, based on objective criteria and public hearings, ensuring equal treatment in the assessment of the nine candidate cities at all times. The result sets an exemplary precedent that reinforces the co-decisional role of the Parliament and leaves behind the obscurantist practices behind closed doors historically exercised by the Council for this type of decisions.
Renew Europe MEP Eva Poptcheva (Ciudadanos, Spain), Vice-Chair of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, ECON co-rapporteur on the regulation for establishing AMLA authority, stated:
“It is a very exciting moment. This joint decision between the Parliament and the Council is a win for democracy; it’s a win for Europeans. It’s been an honour to lead the negotiations from the side of the Parliament for such a crucial Authority”.
Renew Europe MEP Ramona Strugariu (REPER, Romania), LIBE shadow rapporteur on the AML/CFT legislative package, said:
“We fought until the end so that AMLA has a strong seat, fully equipped for such a crucial battle with money laundering and financial crime. This is an institution with a crucial responsibility, with a symbolic place in Europe, which will make European citizens feel safer, their money more protected, their lives more respected. We trust that it will live up to these very high standards. Congratulations and best of luck in achieving this very challenging task!”