Alexei Navalny’s murder adds more blood on Putin’s hands

Author: Lucian Goleanu

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament condemns the killing of Alexei Navalny, Kremlin’s most vocal political opponent, in a state prison in the Arctic, one month ahead of Russia’s presidential elections.
With Navalny’s passing, Putin has just added another murder to his long list of repressed political opponents, together with the hundreds of thousands of deaths caused by the war of aggression he started against Ukraine.
Awarded with the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought in 2021 by the European Parliament, after his candidature had been put forward by our political group, Alexei Navalny, used to be described as "the man Vladimir Putin fears most", the ultimate symbol of oppression in Russia, backed by so many ordinary citizens who fear to speak up.
The President of Renew Europe Group, Valérie Hayer, said:
"I strongly condemn the Kremlin regime, which cruelly sent Alexei Navalny to his death. With Navalny's murder, the world has lost a freedom fighter, a man who championed the cause of a free Russia.
Poisoned and then taken prisoner by a government adept at the politics of fear, Alexeï Navalny never ceased to call on his compatriots not to allow themselves to be intimidated.
His commitment cost him his life, but his courage and his fight against Putin's regime and its cronies will always be remembered by his people. His fight goes on!"