A faster, more efficient and accessible Court of Justice to ensure the application of European law

Following demanding negotiations, the Parliament, the Council, the Commission and the Court of Justice have reached an agreement for a reform of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
This reform will have several important benefits:
- The more timely interpretation of European law when necessary, in order to shorten judgment times before national courts
- Establishing an annual dialogue on European justice between the Parliament and the Court to make citizens' voices heard
⁃ Enshrining the right of Parliament to intervene in procedures for interpreting European law;
- Ensuring greater transparency by providing a unique system for the automatic publication of briefs filed in preliminary ruling cases
At the end of the quadrilogue, Ilana CICUREL (Renew Europe), rapporteur of the text for Parliament, declared: “I salute the constructive work which allowed this important reform to succeed. It will make it possible to deliver justice more quickly in our respective countries, to ensure greater transparency thanks to an unprecedented mechanism of publication by the Court of key documents of the procedure, to establish the role played by Parliament in interpretation procedures. It establishes over time, through the establishment of an “annual dialogue”, the cooperation between the Court of Justice and Parliament which showed its benefits during this negotiation”