Renew Europe: Knowledge is power — also in agricultural policies

Author: Vincent Stuer
Facts and figures about evolutions in agriculture are essential to roll out Common Agricultural Policies. Today, the European Parliament voted through the final agreement on the Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN), a new database that will include all relevant information needed to guide the agricultural sector in its current transition.
The current Farm Accounting Data Network (FADN) is already a highly valuable tool, collecting microeconomic and accountancy data from more than 80.000 EU voluntary and representative farms. The FSDN takes that effort further to reflect the need to assess all dimensions of agriculture sustainability.
Rapporteur Jérémy Decerle (Liste L’Europe Ensemble, France) underlines the importance of the FSDN:
"The farming sector is key to ensure the achievements of many EU objectives, as reflected in the Green Deal. Knowledge is key to ensure efficient policy making in that field.. From now on, The Farm Sustainability Data Network (FSDN) will deliver not just on the economic, but also environmental and social dimensions of agriculture!"