Renew secures key increases in the EU budget for 2024

Author: Linda Aziz-Rohlje

Renew Europe welcomes the adoption in the European Parliament's Committee on Budgets of the EU budget for 2024. For Renew it is imperative that next year’s budget is responsive, flexible and ready to address the challenges of concern for citizens. This year, the margins for the budget are extremely small, so we count on an alignment with the ongoing mid-term revision of the EU’s multiannual financial framework, to increase the flexibility.
Through our representative Fabienne Keller (Renaissance/France), the group secured significant funding increases for key EU programmes such as Eramus+, Horizon Europe, military mobility, defence and humanitarian aid. We also insisted on proper human and financial resources for EU agencies to carry out the growing responsibilities entrusted to them.
It is also essential to keep supporting Ukraine with this Budget for 2024, and to be better prepared in case of crisis. Renew Europe has high ambition for the role of Europe at a geopolitical level in all fields, and we must have the budget that goes with it.
Ms Keller says:
"I am pleased that Renew Europe's priorities have been included in Parliament's position on the 2024 budget. Our aim is to have a flexible and responsive 2024 budget that can deal with crises and unforeseen events. This is why I have insisted on increasing programmes such as the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, the European Civil Protection Mechanism, and military mobility to continue support for Ukraine. I am also glad to have secured resources to strengthen the ongoing climate transition, investments in programmes linked to our youth and funding for EU agencies whose mandates have been strengthened. We need to give ourselves the resources to match our ambitions."
After the plenary endorsement next plenary session, Renew Europe will do its outmost to ensure that the Parliament’s conciliation period with the Council will lead to the adoption of an ambitious budget, fit for the expected and unexpected challenges we will face, because EU must stand by its citizens.