A legislative proposal, initiated by Renew Europe, is likely to improve the lives of the 150 million Europeans living in cross-border areas. The European Parliament today approved BridgEU, which aims to remove the many obstacles that hinder full cooperation between neighbouring European regions and thwart the daily life of the populations concerned, such as the possibility of freely going to school or hospital on the other side of the border. BridgEU intends to relaunch a legislative procedure that has been blocked in the Council for almost 3 years, by simplifying the initial proposal from the European Commission.
Sandro GOZI (Renaissance), rapporteur for amending the proposed mechanism to resolve legal and administrative obstacles in a cross-border context, said:
"BridgEU demonstrates Renew Europe’s relentless effort to echo the voice and the needs of 150 million European citizens living in border regions, and to break the ever-present invisible bureaucratic wall affecting their daily lives. Ignoring the barriers affecting these territories comes with high costs: 400 billion euros and four million jobs lost every year, and denying our citizens access to fundamental rights. Parliament has proven its unity and has made use of its constitutional prerogatives to request the issuing of a legislative proposal. Now, we call on the Commission and Council to reopen negotiations as soon as possible"