Modernisation of intelligent transport systems for safer and more fuel-efficient driving

A major step towards a low-carbon road transport policy was reached today by the European Parliament and the Council meeting in trilogue, to modernise European legislation on intelligent transport systems (ITS). This text aims to make essential ITS mandatory throughout the EU and to solve problems related to the lack of interoperability and continuity of digital applications and services, such as multimodal information, reservation services for parking places for trucks and commercial vehicles or communication between motorists and infrastructure. The more information a driver has, the better he adapts his driving and limits his emissions.
Renew Europe has played an active role in strengthening road telematics in this legislation, with the widest possible geographical coverage of available data. Roads and motorways within the trans-European networks will have to communicate information such as access conditions to tunnels, bridges, speed limits and overtaking bans for heavy goods vehicles as well as weight and size restrictions.
Izaskun BILBAO (EAJ-PNV, Spain), Renew Europe shadow rapporteur for the revision of the ITS Directive, in the Parliament's Transport Committee, said:
“This initiative is an example of how digitalisation and decarbonisation go hand in hand to improve our lives. The big data resulting from the digitisation of mobility enables new services and promotes the best transport combinations with maximum efficiency, avoiding saturation. Users make better informed choices and can reward the most sustainable mobility options with their purchases. In addition, we have better tools to design taxation in favour of sustainable mobility. Green deal in its purest form at the service of people and the planet”.