Northern Ireland Protocol agreement offers hope for stability in Northern Ireland and a more constructive EU-UK relationship

Author: Nicholas Petre
Renew Europe welcomes the provisional agreement announced today between the European Commission and the UK Government to build on the Northern Ireland Protocol. We hope it will create much needed momentum for the benefit of the people of Northern Ireland, while protecting the EU’s single market and opening the door to more constructive EU-UK relations. Renew Europe MEPs will closely scrutinise the proposals.
Nathalie Loiseau MEP (L'Europe Ensemble, France), Chair of the European Parliament's Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly, said:
“The sense of responsibility of both the EU and the UK is most welcome. We note the flexibility demonstrated by the EU and wish that this agreement can create long awaited stability for Northern Ireland and satisfactory protection of the Single Market for businesses, workers and consumers. Renew Europe MEPs will fully scrutinise these proposals; the European Parliament stands ready to fulfil its duties."
Barry Andrews MEP (Fianna Fáil, Ireland), member of the European Parliament's Delegation to the EU-UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly, added:
"President von der Leyen's visit to the UK today could be a seminal moment in the EU-UK relationship. This sends a strong signal to all communities that both the EU and the UK are committed to maintaining good relations and finding solutions. I hope that the final text will provide for a prominent role for MLAs in EU-UK Parliamentary Assembly, a commitment by UK not to withdraw from ECHR given its importance to GFA and an increased role for NI stakeholders."