As of 2035, all cars and vans rolling off the assembly line should meet the target of 100% zero - emissions. That is what the European Parliament endorsed in today's final plenary vote on the new CO2 emissions standards for cars and vans.
By setting a target for 100% zero – emissions for new cars and vans by 2035, Europe is taking a vital step forward in its commitment to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050 at the latest.
While this transition to zero-emission mobility is expected to bring significant environmental benefits, including a notable improvement in air quality, the new emissions standards for cars and vans will ensure that affordable clean cars are brought more swiftly to the market, while triggering further investments and innovation in the European car industry.
Fully in line with Renew Europe's economic priorities, the liberal group in the European Parliament therefore welcomes that the new CO2 emissions standards for cars and vans voted today explicitly contains substantial provisions to ensure appropriate financial measures are made available to deliver a fair transition for the automotive sector in Europe in order to safeguard jobs and to ensure the competitiveness of our European automotive sector.
MEP Jan Huitema (VVD, the Netherlands) Renew Europe and the Parliament’s rapporteur on the CO2 emissions standards for cars and vans says:
"I am thrilled that the European Parliament endorsed the trialogue agreement reached on CO2 -standards for cars and vans today. This regulation means an ambitious revision of the targets for 2030 and a 100 % target for 2035, which is crucial to reach climate neutrality by 2050. These targets create clarity for the car industry and stimulate innovation and investments for car manufacturers. In addition, purchasing and driving zero – emission cars will become cheaper for consumers and a second – hand market will emerge more quickly. It makes clean driving accessible to everyone!”“