The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament expresses its unfailing support for measures to reach the goals of zero carbon emissions across the European Union by promoting efficient solutions that combine design, sustainability, affordability and investment.
In a draft report adopted today by the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE) and the Culture and Education Committee (CULT), Renew Europe calls for the New European Bauhaus (NEB) to become a building block for improving the quality of people’s lives by transforming public spaces, buildings, cities and territories, harnessing the potential of the green and digital transitions. Aesthetic, inclusive and sustainable projects across the EU will offer citizens creative public spaces, energy-efficient renovations and sustainable mobility where data exchange, research and innovation play a fundamental role.
Renew Europe believes that all initiatives need to take into account the regional and local perspectives of cities, municipalities and rural areas, including citizens in the process of making their local area greener and even more beautiful. The NEB could also be an opportunity to revive the cultural and creative sectors, greatly affected by the ongoing health and economic crisis. Barriers blocking the development of the European circular economy need to be removed. Additionally, the NEB principles should be integrated into future legislation, just as the initiative should take relevant European initiatives, such as the European Green Deal, the Renovation Wave, and the Circular Economy, into consideration.
MEP Iskra Mihaylova (Movement for Rights and Freedoms, Bulgaria), Renew Europe shadow rapporteur in the ITRE Committee, says:
"The New European Bauhaus initiative is a catalyst for bringing about transformative changes in the creative, construction and business ecosystems and new understanding and quality in planning, designing and building our future life, encompassing principles of circularity and resource efficiency in moving towards carbon neutrality. Furthermore, I consider that NEB gives us the chance to look at the European Green Deal from the prism of culture - with a special focus on cultural heritage, acknowledging the significance of its protection, restoration or adaptation, as an important vector to preserve European cultural identity".
MEP Morten Løkkegaard (Venstre, Danmarks Liberale Parti, Denmark), Renew Europe shadow rapporteur in the CULT Committee, adds:
“The New European Bauhaus holds an enormous potential for European businesses and citizens. Our goal in Renew Europe has been to lift the ambitions even more and make the initiative more concrete. We need to show businesses, including the cultural and creative sector and industries, the wide range of opportunities within New European Bauhaus, and then citizens will benefit from the sustainable, inclusive and beautiful projects, we will hopefully see across the EU. Now we hope the Commission will take our suggestions and help us realize this big potential."