Renew Europe has taken part in the United Nations Ocean Conference in Lisbon this week. The political declaration, which will be formally adopted on Friday at the closing plenary, is a further step that we welcome. Global cooperation is essential if we want to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. The EU did not come empty-handed to this Conference, as it has just announced on an envelope of one billion euros for marine protection.
The EU has also been a key player during the fierce negotiations at the Ministerial conference of the WTO mid-June. The results are very tangible: fishing subsidies leading to overfishing are forbidden. Many challenges still threaten the ocean and Renew Europe is asking for more rapid actions. If we carry out the changes needed, the ocean can provide huge possibilities such as food production, climate change mitigation and energy production as well as sustainable development of coastal communities. It is for these challenges and opportunities public policies for the protection of the ocean must be developed and implemented.
Pierre Karleskind (France, Renaissance), chair of the Committee on Fisheries, was part of the European Parliament's delegation at the UN Ocean Conference. He declares: “The EU must lead the way when it comes to sustainable development of our seas. Therefore is it so important that the EU pushes globally for sustainable fisheries management and strong commitment to fighting illegal fishing. Global cooperation is necessary if we want fisheries to bring us sustainable food in the future.”
Catherine Chabaud (France, Renaissance), was also part of the European Parliament's delegation at the UN Ocean Conference. She explains: “We must break the policy silos. We only have one ocean that is our global common and for that we need one integrated and coherent policy. That is the message I have brought to Lisbon and the Summit. Only like this can we protect the one Ocean we have for the benefit of both nature and humanity. It will also contribute to strengthen multilateralism.”