Unilateral action will not provide solutions for the people of Northern Ireland

Author: Nicholas Petre
Renew Europe expresses concern at the UK Government's decision to table unilateral domestic legislation intended to undermine the EU - UK withdrawal agreement and the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland. Renew Europe calls for EU- UK negotiations within the framework of the Protocol to be restarted.
Nathalie Loiseau (France, Renaissance), Co-Chair of the European Parliament's UK Coordination Group and Chair of the Parliament's Delegation to the EU - UK Parliamentary Partnership Assembly, said:
"Unilateral action will not provide solutions for the people of Northern Ireland. We need joint solutions. The EU will remain calm, we will remain united. There will be no renegotiation of the Protocol. Respected Government's don't break international law. As responsible politicians we must find solutions when there are problems, not invent problems when there are solutions."
Barry Andrews MEP (Ireland, Fianna Fáil), Renew Europe's representative on the European Parliament's UK Coordination Group & member of the Parliament's Delegation to the EU - UK Parliamentary Assembly, said:
“The Johnson Government has continually shown a disregard for the best interests of the people of Northern Ireland. The Stormont executive has become collateral damage in the on-going Tory leadership issues. This is why it is so important that the EU continues to focus on resolving genuine issues as soon as the British Government chooses to engage in serious discussions.”