While most economic sectors are proving that a reverse of CO2 – emissions is possible, road traffic emissions are shooting since 1990. With around 15 % of total CO2 – emissions, cars and vans are a major contributor to the emissions problem in the EU.
Therefore, action is needed. We need ambitious measures to reach our climate targets and make the green transition work.
Today, Renew Europe congratulates Renew rapporteur Jan Huitema on this file and welcomes the vote in plenary on the new CO2 emission standards for cars and vans which foresee in a 100% reduction of CO2- emissions by 2035. Being part of the fit for 55 package, reducing CO2 – emissions to zero by 2035 for cars and vans means we’re taking a decisive step in the progress to make the EU climate neutral by 2050.
With the outcome of this vote, Europe will not only lead the world in tackling climate challenge but also create pollution free roads and village squares. At the same time, Renew Europe points out the need for targeted funding to ensure that EU manufacturers remain at the forefront of technological innovation and new and sustainable jobs are being created.
MEP Jan Huitema (VVD, The Netherlands) Renew rapporteur on this file says:
“An ambitious revision of CO2- standards is a crucial element to reach our climate targets. With these targets, we create clarity for the car industry and stimulate innovation and investments for car manufacturers. In addition, purchasing and driving zero – emission cars will become cheaper for consumers. I am thrilled that the European Parliament has backed an ambitious revision of the targets for 2030 and supported a 100 % target for 2035, which is crucial to reach climate neutrality by 2050.”