MEP Salima Yenbou joins the growing Renew Europe Group

Author: Clara De Melo Ponce
Renew Europe is delighted to announce that Salima Yenbou is joining our expanding parliamentary family. She leaves the Greens/EFA group in which she previously sat.
Salima Yenbou has been elected in the European Parliament since 2019 and is particularly involved in education and culture matters. Pending parliamentary formalities, Renew Europe continues grows stronger and stronger every day. The group now has 102 MEPs from 23 Member States.
Stéphane Séjourné, President of the Renew Europe Group, welcomed the news:
"I am delighted that Salima Yenbou has joined our expanding parliamentary group. We are the place where progressive, democratic, liberal and centrist forces come together to shape Europe and fight every day for its values."
The arrival of Salima Yenbou proves once again that Renew Europe is an essential voice at the European level, that attracts progressive members from across the political spectrum. It also shows that our group is fighting against climate change and for concrete solutions leading to a green transition accessible to all. We are not interested in being a talking shop. What we want is results."
Salima Yenbou MEP said:
"I don't believe in punitive, dogmatic ecology, which leaves too many people on the sidelines, which denies social realities that we must take into account. I am a pragmatic, concrete ecologist, and in this I recognise myself in the commitments made by Renew Europe".