Renew Europe urges Home Affairs Ministers to activate the Temporary Protection Directive ahead of tomorrow's JHA meeting

Renew Europe welcomes the Commission's proposal to activate the Temporary Protection Directive to offer immediate assistance to persons fleeing the war in Ukraine, as well as the operational guidelines helping Member States border guards to facilitate efficient crossings at the borders.
We urge EU Ministers ahead of tomorrow's Justice and Home Affairs Council to adopt this proposal by the European Commission.
Sophie in ’t Veld, coordinator in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home affairs (LIBE) says:
“There can be no doubt that people fleeing from Ukraine need our protection. The temporary protection directive is designed for exactly this kind of situation. It should have been in place yesterday, so the sooner the better. Now all Member States need to participate and show solidarity to host refugees from the war in Ukraine. For the long term though, we need solid and permanent structures.”
With the Temporary Protection Directive, people fleeing from Ukraine, including legally residing non-Ukrainians who cannot return to their country of origin, will also be granted protection in the EU and will be given residence permits and access to education as well as the labour market.
Fabienne Keller, Member of LIBE and rapporteur for the upcoming Asylum Procedure Regulation, concludes:
”Since Putin invaded Ukraine, more than half a million people have searched their way to neighboring Member States - it is now time that the EU offers a safe haven for the people fleeing the war in Ukraine and ensure solidarity between all Member States to share this effort.
This war recalls once again the urgent need to adopt the Pact on asylum and Migration. We cannot wait!”