As the EU still grapples with the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament is pushing for massive investments in the young generation, deeply devastated by the crisis, especially when it comes to its mental health.
2022 is the European Year of Youth. It’s time to create real opportunities for young people. Investing in youth means facilitating integration and mobility in the labour market, creating skills for the future, bringing inclusion and encouraging access to education for the new generations.
MEP Dragoş PÎSLARU (USR, Romania) is the Renew Europe Group rapporteur in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) on the “Empowering European Youth” motion for resolution debated today in the European Parliament:
“Young Europeans are active, are vibrant and, no matter what many may fear, still full of hope. They don’t need handouts and they are not helpless. Young Europeans only need the access and opportunity to take the chances they deserve! And that access must be created now, and those opportunities facilitated in the present, as the only way to ensure for Europe and its citizens, young or otherwise, any future! The risk that we face is not of a lockdown generation, but of a lost generation”