An updated mandate for the European Medicines Agency enhances preparedness for future health emergencies

From the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Renew Europe stated that the EU should strengthen its role in terms of crisis preparedness during public health emergencies. The COVID-19 health crisis has highlighted in particular the problem of shortages for certain critical medicinal products in addressing the pandemic and the EU’s structural limitations in its ability to meet this challenge fast and effectively.
Renew Europe now welcomes the revised mandate of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Its enhanced role meets Renew Europe’s demands for years. A stronger mandate will give the agency competences and resources to be better prepared for future public health emergencies.
MEP Frédérique Ries (MR Belgium), Renew Europe’s negotiator on this legislation says after today’s vote in plenary:
“It was essential to give a legal framework to the European Medicines Agency’s efforts to face this unprecedented pandemic. Building up on the EMA’s efforts, the Parliament and Council have agreed to transfer key new powers to the EMA. The objective: to monitor, prevent and remedy major shortages and secure the availability of critical medicines on national and European level in times of health crises.
The outcome of the trilogue successfully reflects Renew Europe’s priorities, from the inclusion of patients and health professionals very step of the way, organizing the exchange of data with manufacturers to secure the supply chains, as well as publishing fast and in all transparency the protocols and the results of clinical trials to foster trust in new medicines. Protecting the health of all Europeans is at the heart of the Europe we’re building today.”