Digital Markets Act: clear, fair rules for big tech and more freedom for consumers

Author: Lucian Goleanu

The Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament welcomes today’s adoption by the plenary in Strasbourg of the Digital Markets Act, which will allow all businesses operating in the European Single Market to freely and fairly compete online, just as they do offline.
The DMA should have a Common European approach, as Renew Europe argued for the involvement of member states through the competition and other relevant authorities, while preserving the leading role of the Commission to make final decisions.
The aim of this legislation is to give consumers more and better services to choose from and fairer prices in the digital world, to create new opportunities for start-ups to compete and innovate in the online platform environment without having to comply with unfair terms.
MEP Andrus Ansip (Estonian Reform Party), Vice-Chair of IMCO Committee and shadow rapporteur on DMA, said:
“As Renew Europe, we have long fought for a unified Single Market where all businesses whether big or small, should enjoy free and fair competition. In short, the DMA is about freedom.
The DMA will create more freedom for consumers to choose between platforms and applications. Consumers will have more choice over how their data is used and for what purposes. The DMA will create more freedom to innovate by setting clear and fair rules for the most powerful players on the field.
For us, as Renew Europe, it was always clear that the DMA must not aim to punish foreign companies, but to protect European consumers.”