In the post-pandemic Europe, the young can no longer be left behind, demands Renew Europe

Today the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) adopted a Motion for Resolution, lead by MEP Dragoş PÎSLARU, tackling the way the EU needs to answer the post-pandemic challenges facing young people.
The document addresses the importance of strengthening European youth. Renew Europe strongly supports investing in children and young people. The focus should be on concrete programmes addressing youth unemployment and promoting real and new solutions for their social inclusion.
As 2022 is going to be the European Year of Youth, we believe that our children and youth cannot be left behind anymore, in any part of the Union. We need to invest in education and training, we need to ensure free labour mobility, to recognise qualifications and to strengthen mental health in the recovery process.
The young should be at the core of the dual transformation, digital and green, pushing forward our ambitions and unleashing the skill potential to deliver it, says MEP Dragoş PÎSLARU (USR, Romania) Renew Europe rapporteur in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs:
“We always talk about the future of youth, but I am very worried about their present as well. Young Europeans have been severely affected during the pandemic and their voice has hardly been listened by decision makers. They are struggling with anxiety and depression, lacking predictable access to education and training and having trouble finding decent jobs. Today we need to start listening, engaging them in building a better Europe and invest in creating the opportunities for them and us all”.