Negotiations between political groups are intensifying in the European Parliament ahead of the mid-term elections. In this context, the Renew Europe Group calls on all pro-European forces to engage in a constructive and policy-oriented discussion.
That is why the Renew Europe group is publicly setting three criteria that will condition its vote in the mid-term elections.
- Legislative condition: the conclusion of a list of priority and institutional reforms for the two and a half years of the mandate. It is time for the mid-term to be about public policy, not about top jobs. In the European institutional game, the Parliament must be able to present a clear roadmap on reforms, including transnational lists. Such an agreement on our legislative priorities also promises to make the parliamentary agenda more transparent to citizens.
- Parliamentary condition: Every pro-European candidate for the Presidency of the European Parliament is subject to a hearing within the group. Renew Europe is committed to internal democracy in the Parliament. The President of the European Parliament has an important role and is the public face of our institution. The votes of our members must be informed by a frank exchange with the different candidates. In this context, a hearing has already been scheduled with Mrs. Metsola, who is at this stage the only declared candidate. Should other serious pro-European candidates declare themselves, Renew Europe will organise an identical hearing.
- Political condition: stability and balance in the positions of responsibility, excluding the Europhobic far right. We only have two and a half years left to make progress on priority issues. We therefore need a fully functional Parliament that is in working order, so that we can move ahead as quickly as possible on urgent legislative projects. As is the case now, the nationalists, who despise our common values, have no place in this system.
Stéphane Séjourné: "The election of the President of the European Parliament is an important parliamentary moment. Given the challenges we face within and beyond our borders, we will ensure that this mid-term democratic exercise contributes to the strengthening of the parliamentary coalition and to the acceleration of reforms. I call on all other European forces to be equally transparent about what they expect from the upcoming midterms. We owe it to our voters."