Renew Europe unveils its new team and governance structure

Author: Clara De Melo Ponce

The Renew Europe Group today announces its new governance structure, following the election of Stéphane Séjourné MEP as the new President of the Group, which now comprises 100 MEPs, from 23 EU Member States.
The new Presidency of the Group, which fully respects parity, is comprised of a President, a First Vice-President and 13 Members, each appointed a portfolio, aimed at expanding the group and maximising our pan - European and parliamentary impact ahead of the 2024 European elections. Task forces and delegates have also been appointed on structural aspects towards 2024 and thematic priorities, in line with Renew Europe’s Paris Declaration.
Stéphane Séjourné, President of Renew Europe said:
"We have in place a gender balanced team of all the talents, prepared and capable to reinvent the European Union. For Renew Europe, the 2024 European election campaign is a permanent campaign.”
“Our intention is to build a strong alliance of pro - European, liberal, democrat and progressive parties willing to defend and enhance liberal democracy and European integration. We are the European movement that will stand up to the populists and nationalists determined to weaken Europe and erode the rights and opportunities of citizens.”
Renew Europe's Presidency:
- Malik Azmani, First Vice-President and Whip, Responsible for coordination of parliamentary work and 2024
- Iskra Mihaylova, Vice President, Chair of the Working Group on Sustainability and structural policies
- Katalin Cseh, Vice President, Chair of the Working Group on Values and democracy and Responsible for Communication
- Luis Garicano, Vice President, Chair of the Working Group on Economy and digital transformation
- Frédérique Ries, Vice President, Chair of the Working Group on External affairs and Treasurer
- Dragoș Tudorache, Vice President, Responsible for Political platform for 2024
- Morten Løkkegaard, Vice President, Responsible for relations with economic partners
- Nicola Danti, Vice President, Responsible for the relations with national parties and parliaments
- Dita Charanzová, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Responsible of the relations outside the European Union
- Nicola Beer, Vice-President of the European Parliament, Responsible for the relations with administration of the European Parliament
- Gilles Boyer, Quaestor of the European Parliament, Responsible for the relations with Quaestors
- Abir Al-Sahlani, Vice President, Representative of the The Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE Party), Responsible for the relations with civil society
- Sylvie Brunet, Vice President, Representative of the European Democratic Party (EDP) and Responsible of the human ressources
Renew Europe's Delegates at this time:
- Hilde Vautmans, Delegate, Responsible for internal political coordination