Rule of Law mechanism: Renew Europe welcomes long overdue lawsuit against the European Commission

Renew Europe was the first group to insist the European Parliament takes the European Commission to the Court of Justice for its failure to apply the rule of law conditionality mechanism, which has been in force since January.
The Commission can no longer ignore its responsibility as the guardian of the treaties. The Commission President must uphold her stated commitment to the European Parliament - to protect the EU budget from breaches of the rule of law.
Renew Europe Group President, Stéphane SÉJOURNÉ says :
"The Parliament will always support those who defend our European values and the jurisdictional order that makes this Union work. The decision to sue the Commission is not a light one, but it is necessary that the EU institutions act when the foundations of our Union and the freedoms of its people are under attack. Our group will continue to fight for the rights of Polish and Hungarian citizens."
Katalin CSEH, vice-president of Renew Europe, and chair of the Hungarian delegation, adds:
“There is a reason the European Parliament, and our Renew Europe group fought so hard to create the rule of law mechanism: because the EU is not a cash machine, but a community of values. But good laws are not enough, they have to be implemented. The mechanism is Union law since January 1, 2021, and the European Commission's refusal to use it is unacceptable. Appeasing autocrats, and giving in to their blackmail has brought us into this deep crisis. This Parliament we will not back down until the rule of law mechanism is properly implemented, and yes, we are willing to go to Court for this”.