Sport is gaining more visibility on the European agenda. Nevertheless more needs to be done. Renew Europe stresses the importance of sport as a great contributor to tolerance, respect and well-being. We urge the Member States to develop sports infrastructure, especially in remote regions and disadvantaged areas and to increase the amount of physical education and active breaks in schools.
Renew Europe calls on Member States to ensure that professional athletes benefit from social and labour protection while making sure to bridge the gender pay gap and to fight against any discrepancies in award allocations between Olympians and Paralympians. We ask for measures tackling all forms of violence, harassment and gender stereotypes.
Our group believes that the mental health of athletes should be protected in the same way as their physical health, as we have insisted in a report on the perspectives of EU sports policies, adopted today by the Culture and Education Committee.
MEP Laurence FARRENG (Mouvement Democrate, France) member of the Culture and Education Committee, shadow rapporteur on the report, says:
"Sport unites, integrates, contributes to health for all. Renew is committed to a genuine European sport policy! We defend a sport sector that is more equal between women and men, respectful of human rights and the environment, and which supports all athletes, amateurs, professionals, disabled or not".