As a response to citizens’ requests received by the European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions over the lack of transparency of the EU’s Covid-19 vaccine development, purchase and distribution, the plenary today has adopted a resolution calling for more transparency.
Vlad Gheorghe, Renew Europe’s negotiator in the resolution, says about the resolution:
“EU joint medical procurement still remains the main tool to give access to vaccination for everybody. For this reason, in the resolution we urge the Commission to disclose the procurement details and allow the Members of the European Parliament to exercise their budgetary control duty. Transparency and budgetary discipline are paramount when it comes to COVID-19 vaccine development, purchase and distribution.”
Renew Europe wants to guarantee full transparency on vaccine contracts and the whole process, as a matter of the right to information of EU citizens.
“The disclosure of vaccine contracts is a matter of overriding public interest, as well as a way to counter disinformation and anti-vaccine propaganda”, Gheorghe concludes.
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