Renew Europe elects Stéphane Séjourné MEP as its new President

Author: Clara De Melo Ponce

Today, Renew Europe MEPs have elected Stéphane Séjourné as the new President of Renew Europe, the third largest group in the European Parliament.
Stéphane Séjourné MEP, the former leader of French delegation in the Renew Europe Group, has sat in the European Parliament since 2019.
Following his election, Stéphane Séjourné declared: "It is an honour to have been chosen to chair the Renew Europe group and to lead the various projects that will occupy us for the second half of the mandate. Our group is diverse but united and strong in responding to the concerns of our fellow European citizens. I have one ambition for my political family: to continue to be the leading pro-European force in this Parliament and in the Member States, with a view to the European elections of 2024. At a time when illiberal governments are questioning the foundations of the European construction, Europe needs more than ever a liberal and centrist voice".