Renew Europe welcomes the adoption today in the Culture and Education Committee (CULT) of the European Education Area (EEA) Report that it helped shape. Our group asks the European Commission to set up clear goals and deadlines to its implementation in all Member States.
Renew Europe advocates for greater and better mobility for learners, teachers and knowledge. We support the creation of a European Vocational Education and Training Area and a European apprentice's statute as a part of the European Education Area.
MEP Ilana CICUREL (Renaissance, France), member of the Culture and Education Committee, is Renew Europe’s shadow rapporteur on the report, says:
“Education and training have become strategic challenges. The development, for the first time in the history of the Union, of a European Education Area, testifies to our common desire to make Europe an “educational power”. Our education systems must be fairer, more efficient and more suited to particular pedagogical needs”.
Renew Europe stresses the importance of lifelong learning, social and civic competences and mentoring in education across Europe.
“Amongst the big steps forward of this text are the generalisation of European mobility for teachers so that best practices benefit our children, the valorisation of professional pathways, the recognition of connectivity as a right derived from the fundamental right to education, and the acknowledgement, alongside academic and professional skills, of the importance of civic and social competences. Let us now ensure our ambition concretely transforms the future of the generations to come” concludes Mrs CICUREL.