European Parliament adopts temporary regulation to combat sexual child abuse online

Fighting any form of child sexual abuse is paramount for Renew Europe.



Fighting any form of child sexual abuse is paramount for Renew Europe. Tomorrow, the European Parliament is due to approve the agreement on temporary measures to allow providers of electronic communications services to continue their voluntary activities to combat child sexual abuse online.

The new regulation is a legislative interim solution to create a temporary and strictly limited derogation from the applicability of the e-Privacy Directive to allow the status quo to remain until the permanent legislation announced by the European Commission is in place.

While Renew Europe welcomes this regulation to strengthen the protection of children online, our group is concerned that the regulation allows measures that constitute an interference with fundamental rights of personal data protection. Our group defended stronger privacy safeguards within the regulation and emphasises that the upcoming permanent legislation must be legally watertight and include solid privacy safeguards.

For more information, please contact

Caroline Rhawi

Mob : +46 (0)73 912 70 77

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