European migration and asylum policy is the EU’s next “mission impossible”

Author: Hugues Stéphane Beaudouin
“A robust, humane and effective European migration and asylum policy is the EU’s next mission impossible” said Renew President Dacian Cioloş today during a debate in the European Parliament ahead of the next EUCO meeting tomorrow.
He said: “The summer months are the months when men, women and children attempt dangerous crossings to reach our shores in the hope of finding a better future in Europe. We can see that the pressure is already accelerating in southern Europe. US President Joe Biden has announced the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan by September, which will complicate the situation even further. The European Commission has come up with a Pact on Migration and Asylum and the Parliament is ready to get down to business.”
He added: “Now it is the turn of our heads of state and government to act. The subject is on the table at the next EUCO thanks to President Charles Michel. We know it will be complicated to tackle but we also now know, that there is no such thing as a “mission impossible” - only “mission possible””.
Cioloş pointed out that our 7 Member States can take extraordinary steps when they put their minds to it: “Just look at what we managed to achieve during the COVID crisis. We agreed on a historic recovery plan and a common loan facility. We created a mechanism to preserve the rule of law. We introduced a European COVID certification to allow us to travel, organised large-scale vaccinations of Europeans meaning that we can finally start thinking about turning the page and looking to a brighter future. Two years ago, all this would have been considered impossible tasks. And yet we have done it. Tackling migration is no different. “
For more information, please contact
Hughes Beaudouin
Spokesperson to Dacian CIOLOȘ, President of Renew Europe
Mob : +32 473 400 129