Renew Europe welcomes declaration by 13 EU Member States condemning Hungarian Government’s ‘shameful assault on LGBTI rights’
The Renew Europe Group has today welcomed the joint declaration of a number of EU Member States, spearheaded by a caucus of the Renew Europe family, on the recent passing of a law in Hungary targeting the LGBTI community.
MEP Katalin Cseh, said; "The Hungarian Government’s shameful assault on LGBTI rights undermines our Union of values. Hungarian citizens are EU citizens too. I welcome this declaration and call on the European Council leaders to address this issue; enough is enough."
The declaration was released on the day that the General Affairs Council held a hearing on Values of the Union in Hungary / Article 7 (1) TEU Reasoned Proposal. Renew Europe calls on the Council to go forward with the Article 7 procedure against Poland and Hungary for breaches of Rule of Law and for the immediate application of the Rule of Law Conditionality mechanism by the European Commission.
"The EU differs from autocracies like Russia because individuals have certain rights and freedoms, which should be inalienable. It is time for the Council to get off the fence and finally adopt consequences pursuant to the Article 7 procedure", concluded MEP Moritz Körner.
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Caroline Rhawi
Mob : +46 (0)73 912 70 77