Renew Europe welcomes new law to fight the dissemination of terrorist content online



Tonight the European Parliament adopted the long-awaited Terrorist Content Online Regulation. Finally, we will have proper legislation on the European level to swiftly get harmful terrorist content off the web.

Maite Pagazaurtundúa, Renew Europe’s shadow rapporteur on the Terrorist Content Online file, says: ”Any chance of progress is blocked if citizens do not feel safe. Today, we have taken an important step to ensure that terrorists do not beat us to the punch in the digital ecosystem. RENEW should be proud of the work it has done and of its support for this Regulation

Terrorist propaganda has played a big role in terrorist attacks, and the difference between a video being online for an hour and 24 hours are millions of views. That is why the obligation for online platforms to remove the terrorist content within one hour after receiving a removal order is essential.

At the same time, it has been a critical priority for Renew Europe to guarantee that the freedom of expression is respected. The regulation contains a uniform definition of what is considered terrorist content to give legal clarity and eliminate the risk of overreach and misuse. At the same time, the regulation makes sure that the competent authorities designated by the Member States act independently and in compliance with fundamental rights.

Moreover, there is a clear cross-border mechanism to make sure terrorist content is removed swiftly in all Member States, while maintaining substantial scrutiny rights from the executing Member State when the removal order comes from another Member State. Member States, online platforms and content providers have a right to challenge the removal order if they consider it violates fundamental rights. With these safeguards, we have found a fair balance between tackling terrorist content before it can spread further and maintaining freedom of expression.

In the end, legislation is only as good as its implementation. Renew Europe therefore expects that the Member States and the Commission will take their responsibility and enforce all the safeguards that we have fought so hard for.

For more information, please contact

Caroline Rhawi

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