Renew Europe calls on the European Commission and vaccine producers to provide transparency on specific parts of the contracts they have negotiated. Recent debate over the last days on AstraZeneca's delivery schedule confirm the urgent need for transparency.
"We did the right thing in linking arms on vaccine procurement", underlines Renew Europe President Dacian Cioloş, "So we must not now let discussions and doubts undermine trust in the EU's approach. Transparency is in the best interest of all, and key for the efficiency of vaccination efforts, for a fact-based debate on the way forward and the fight against misinformation. If certain contractual clauses need to be clarified this should be done."
The European Parliament in its latest plenary debate repeated its call for transparency on the contractual clauses linked with production, distribution timelines and prices.
Pascal Canfin, chair of the ENVI committee, concludes: "This is a matter of efficiency: the more we know about the delivery provisions of the contracts and the delivery schedule of the doses, the more we will be able to help both the Commission and the pharmaceutical industries to find the solutions to increase production and therefore access to vaccines."