Venezuela: The European Parliament recognises interim President Guaidó and the constitutional continuation of the 2015 National Assembly

The Renew Group in the European Parliament continues to recognise the mandate of the legitimate National Assembly of Venezuela, elected in December 2015, which was the last free expression of the people of Venezuela in an electoral process, as well as the legitimate President of the National Assembly and the legitimate interim President of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó.
In a resolution today adopted by the European Parliament, initiated and defined by Renew Europe, MEPs backed this approach until truly free, credible, inclusive, transparent and fully democratic elections are held in Venezuela.
The elections illegitimately held in December helped Nicolas Maduro to take control of the only remaining democratic institution in the country, the National Assembly, and the resolution calls on the Council and the EU Member States to unequivocally recognise the constitutional continuation of the legitimate Assembly elected in 2015 and Juan Guaido as interim President of Venezuela.
MEP, Jordi Cañas (Ciudadanos, Spain), First Vice-President of the EUROLAT Parliamentary Assembly and Renew Europe Group’s Eurolat Coordinator, who negotiated the resolution on behalf of our Group, said:
“This Parliament reaffirms its commitment to democracy in Venezuela, recognizing the extension of the mandate of the legitimate National Assembly of 2015 and its president Juan Guaidó. Europe cannot distance itself from the international consensus, and it has to continue contributing to the efforts to restore democracy in Venezuela. Not recognising the legitimate Assembly means a victory for Maduro and gives him a blank check to prosecute the legitimate deputies for usurpation. In Venezuela, the only usurper is called Nicolas Maduro.”
Renew Europe MEP, Dita Charanzová (ANO, Czech Republic), Vice-President of the European Parliament responsible for relations with Latin America, added:
“Mr. Borrell's declaration on Venezuela was a big mistake. A mistake that caused much confusion.
But today, we make the European message clear: we continue to recognize Juan Guaidó as interim President of Venezuela, and the National Assembly elected in 2015. A new Contact Group will be established between the European Parliament and the legitimate National Assembly to strengthen our ties.
We must also back our words with actions and expand the targeted sanctions against the Maduro regime.”