Renew Europe, faithful to the values of solidarity that motivate it, today proposed and obtained from the European Parliament, meeting in virtual session, substantial budgetary support to Poland and Hungary, as well as to half a dozen 'other Member States, in compensation for natural disasters and in support of the fight against Covid-19. Notwithstanding the behaviour of Warsaw and Budapest, which are currently blocking the adoption of the multiannual financial framework and the European recovery plan, Renew Europe thus demonstrates once again its commitment to solidarity which, as with the rule of law, is an integral part of our European values. Concretely, the European Solidarity Fund will release 7 million euros in favour of Polish victims of the Sub-Carpathian Voivodeship, affected by severe flooding last June, and 26.5 million euros to Hungary to support its system health in the face of the pandemic. Germany, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Greece, Portugal and Croatia will also be beneficiaries in the fight against Covid. Croatia will also receive reconstruction aid following the earthquake that hit the Zaghreb region last March.
Olivier CHASTEL (MR, Belgium), rapporteur for the European Parliament, commented: “Solidarity between Member States and respect for the rule of law are not choices but obligations arising from the Treaties and are an integral part of our European values. As Jean Rey said, "Europe is not only that of governments, parliaments, or administrations. It must also be that of peoples, that of workers, that of youth, that of man ” I am delighted that this solidarity is no longer limited since this year to providing financial assistance in the event of a serious natural disaster, but that it now also applies to public health emergencies”.