Renew Europe supports next-generation Fisheries Partnership Agreements with Senegal and the Seychelles

Renew Europe is pleased to have actively contributed to the emergence of a new generation of fisheries agreements with Senegal and the Seychelles, endorsed today by the European Parliament meeting virtually in plenary session. These Fisheries Partnership Agreements are part of the Union´s network of agreements with third countries to regulate access to fishing grounds and promote sustainable fisheries at the global level. The fishing rights for EU vessels are in line with scientific recommendations and the Union provides sectorial support and expertise in promoting the development of sustainable fisheries sectors in Senegal and the Seychelles.
Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA (Partido Nacionalista Vasco, Spain), parliamentary rapporteur for the agreement with Senegal, and Renew Europe full member in the parliamentary committee on fisheries, said: “ These new generation agreements support both the local industry in Senegal and the Seychelles and the European fishing industry. They also contribute to the worldwide spread of control practices and fishing techniques focused on sustainability. They are therefore tools for development co-operation, key to providing fishing grounds for 93 European vessels with the impact that this activity has on the processing industry. They also serve to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. They are an example of the usefulness of the external dimension of the Common Fisheries Policy ”.