Dacian Cioloş, Leader of the Renew Europe Group in the European Parliament has warned that the EU wants and needs a strong partnership with our UK neighbours, but for that to happen, Boris Johnson needs to stop his political games.
“The European Union’s future relation with the United Kingdom, has reached a critical point. The EU was always willing to negotiate, but from the beginning of the campaign for the referendum, up until now, he has played games. If the United Kingdom wants a deal, which I might add: is in the best interests of UK citizens also, its Government needs to sit at the negotiating table until one is reached, and stop playing delaying tactics. Our position is straightforward and clear, we will not ratify any trade deal, as long as the Withdrawal Agreement is not fully respected, especially the Protocol on Northern Ireland. Furthermore, Renew Europe will only give its consent to an agreement that protects the interests of European citizens, and is fair and beneficial to our economy.”
Cioloş was speaking in the Plenary session of the European Parliament during a debate on the evaluation of the last European Council meeting on 15 October. He also raised the mistakes made by the EU last Spring during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
”Europe is on the brink of a second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. The coordination of free movement, requested by my political group and this Parliament, is a step forward, but we must further strengthen operational coordination at EU level. We have to urgently prepare ourselves, in order to mitigate the serious social and economic hardship this second wave will cause for our citizens.
The European Commission and Member States cannot allow themselves to work in anything less than a coordinated manner, and learn from the mistakes we witnessed last Spring. The cost of national selfishness is too high, and it is simply unacceptable. Furthermore, I hope it is now crystal clear to everyone that the EU needs a European health policy, to complement national ones.”
He also urged EU leaders put this issue of health and Covid-19 coordination on the agenda of every single European Council, until we are out of this crisis.